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Van Helsing meets Pixar Project (In Progress)
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Van Helsing meets Pixar Project (In Progress)

Daria Burdukovskaya
by dariaburdukovskaya on 18 Sep 2022

After rewatching Van Helsing for fun with my friend an idea came to me, how would a Van Helsing movie look like if it was created by Pixar? How can I make grotesque and horror into cute and cartoony?

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Update - 18 Sep 2022

After rewatching Van Helsing for fun with my friend an idea came to me, how would a Van Helsing movie look like if it was created by Pixar? How can I make grotesque and horror into cute and cartoony? So far I have done some of the characters and creatures, I am aiming at completing the rest of the cast, the props and environments all in Pixar style. I am trying also not to just copy the images from the film in a different style but doing some research into the historical context of the fiction, story and prototypes for each character and Romania overall. Will be working on completing the project and uploading stuff here from time to time.



Van Helsing. Not too keen on the crossbow yet though.


Explorations for the main villain, Dracula. I also explored the idea of having the wings be the arms and behave like webbed fingers.

Dracula's wives.

Vampire babies and  an idea of having them wear Victorian era baby clothes.


Werewolf designs explorations with the werewolf difference between before midnight and after. Thought I could push that plot point further and make it more visual.

Frankenstein's monster

Frankenstein's monster in the typical Romanian clothes of the time period that the movie was set in.


Transylvanian horses. Here I also looked into different horse breeds native to the area.

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