Character design - Saphia

Character design - Saphia

Lucía Remartínez de Miguel
by luciareguel on 12 Jul 2022

This is Saphia, a rash and fearless artificer who wouldn't hesitate in joining battles to defeat the people that invaded her city.

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This is the first project that I did during my master's degree in Concept Art and Illustration in Lightbox Academy. In this project we had to create an original character from zero and give them a backstory. The entirety of this project was made in Adobe Photoshop.

Here is the final result and the whole creative process:

Here are the references used, character thumbnails, developed sketches and clothes variations in the final pose.

This is the colouring processI started with the flat colours, trying different colour palettes and seeing what works and what doesn't. Later I started the inking process so it would have an interesting look. For the final colouring part i did some shading so the drawing had more volume and texture.

Full turn around of the character with the base colours.

For the final segment, four different action posses. The main two poses are Saphia ready for battle, one showing her working in a little robot and in the last one she is in a more relax way.

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