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Cthulhu Project : "Harrel's Manor"

Cthulhu Project : "Harrel's Manor"

by ColineL, DamienLeMal, Dexeat, MathieuCbt, and Vintin on 30 May 2022

Harrell's Manor is a Tactical RPG game (Turn based strategy) that is divided into several parts, exploration phases in which the player progresses in the manor, and battle phases in which they fight against the entities that live in the house.

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Round of applause for our sponsors

"Harrell's Manor is an imposing and gloomy mansion located on the outskirts of the city of London. The desolate grounds on which it stands lead us to believe that it has not been inhabited for years, yet the manor seems to be the source of strange events and as a result, no one dares approach it.

Driven by curiosity and duty, our character will nevertheless brave the fear of the unknown and the mystery by entering in... But when he investigates, he will realize that this mansion is not as deserted as it seems, and that the entities living there will not let him go so easily..."

This project has been carried out during our second year at ETPA Rennes school, with a team composed of 7 students, and an independent team of sound designers and voice actors.

We are the first members of Opaque Studio, a fictive studio from our school and this was our first project under this name.

Presentation of the team and fields: 

Here are some pictures about the production of our game

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