Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Un festival noir

Un festival noir

Nils Jensén
by nilsbuilds on 25 May 2022

The first official assignment at Yrgo was to create a simple scene – imagined like a showroom for a festival – based on a film genre. I chose film noir as I wanted to challenge myself with a genre I didn’t know much about. And indeed it would prove to be perplexing.

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my introduction to architectural visualisation - based on a genre of cinema

To get a feel for what film noir means, I wanted to indulge in genre classics. It quickly became clear that the genre definition is somewhat ambiguous. Film noir was coming to light in a time of heavy censorship, regarding what was regarded as immoral behavior, seen in much of 1930s cinema. As a result of this, many of the films produced from the mid-1940s to the late ’50s took a significantly darker path. It took much of its inspiration from early 1900-century thriller novels, featuring both the anti-hero and the femme fatale.

Above: my first moodboard - showcasing my inspiration, the feel I strived for, and the assets I wanted to include.

My scene features the dark, gloomy office of Cooper & Rhodes, Private detectives, intended to capture a feeling of indifferent yet elegant disenchantment. While trying to maintain a vintage decor I also included modern Scandinavian furniture marking my own interpretation of the space.

Below: some process sketches, and beneath them, two bonus shots.

Tools used: 3Ds Max, Corona, Photoshop

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