project programming

project programming

by AlejandroBonilla on 22 May 2022

in this project I show how to implement certain mechanics to a personal 2D project in unity

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in this project I show a system that I made a store system in c# for a class project in the unity game engine, I also made a mining system assigning different life to each mineral and it was affected in different ways depending on the peak that I gave it. In the video you can see the different aspects commented inside the game with a small gameplay.

the first script was to control between the various scenes the fossils, which functioned as a kind of collectibles. the second script was to control the type of peak that had the character at all times which was changed and saved between the change of scenes, this was improved in the store in exchange for money, the third script controlled the life of the various minerals, and what happened to break each one.

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