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Cintia Sabater Vílchez
by CintiSaVi on 10 May 2022

This is a litte shot I made on my spare time to pracice a more cartoony animation style than what I usually do. I enjoyed doing it a lot!

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I made this shot to practice a more cartoonish animation style, and It gave me the chance to learn some new tools on Blender and Eeve!

I used the Bulbasur rig made by  Santiago Calles and Juan Giraldo, which you can check out here:

I animated it in Maya, and then created some toon shaders for Eevee and made the rocks and ground with geometry and the plants with image cards. I finally used Nuke to do the compositing.

When it comes to 2D effects, this was my first attempt ever to try to do so! I used Photoshop and even though I had no idea what I was doing most of the time, it was a lot of fun! 

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