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A Witch's Ramen of Dreams

A Witch's Ramen of Dreams

Hannah Whittingham
by Hannie on 13 Mar 2022

This is my submission for the Ramen Weekly challenge here on "TheRookies"! I tried to really challenge myself on this piece, wanting to make this piece in a style similar to that of "The Sea of Thieves". I think I ultimately got pretty close!

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For this weeks weekly challenge the theme was "Ramen". But I wanted to have a little bit more fun with this project than JUST make a ramen. Instead I thought: "If  modern  witch were to make a ramen? What would that look that?" Which is what started on my path to creating the final product you see above.

I created a mood board and produced the above sketches based on that. I didn't want to go for anything too "stereotypical" witch. I wanted to create something that moreso reflected items that a modern day witch would use. 

Alongside that, I also wanted the piece to have the same spirit as the 3D artwork from the online game "Sea of Thieves". I loved the chunky, grungy and stylized look of the game. I thought this type of art direction would really suit the concept I had for my own piece. 

I started off by blocking the scene, and adding all the contents of the ramen.

Due to time restraints I cut out a lot of the potion bottles I created, but was able to come away with a stylized piece that I'm proud of!


Completion Time: 32hrs

Programs: Blender & Photoshop

Render Engine: Cycles

All textures created by myself except for:
Wall & paper textures from / Tarot card design from

All models created by myself. (Hannah Whittingham)

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