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Astronaut on the moon - CV skills championship

Astronaut on the moon - CV skills championship

Saray Leal García
by saraylealg on 28 Oct 2021

This is my experience during the CV Skills Championship!

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Hello! This is the process I followed during the CV Skills Championship in the 3D Design and Animation sector representing my high school, Florida University. The subject was an astronaut on the moon ... who finally stumbles upon a stone.

The first day we first had the concept phase, in which the truth was, I didn't have much experience and I did what I could. After that, we started the modeling phase, where I started with the character. 

Here is a screenshot of what I did in the modeling section.

The next day we continue with the modeling. I finished the character and did the part of the environment to make the composition more enveloping. Then we made the UV maps, and started the texturing and lighting phase. To paint mainly I used Blender as it seemed faster for this situation but I also used Photoshop to add some more specific details. 

Then I set out to illuminate the scene with real-time light. I added emissaries to the stars and distributed them around the stage. The lighting part was one of the ones I liked the most as I saw that the composition was getting prettier. 

Finally, the last day was the one I had the most doubts about because I had never rigged or done any animation in Blender and I had to practice during the morning. Luckily, it turned out better than I expected and I managed to make the skeleton of the character quite acceptable except for a costume accessory that deformed a bit when I started doing the animation.

This was one of the final renders I took for the championship and the result of a total of approximately 15 hours of hard work. It was a very good experience, although also very stressful and with a lot of nerves but the good thing is that I met very nice people and this opportunity helped me get out of my comfort zone.

On the other hand, it has also helped me to test my skills in a very short time and above all to learn a little more about this world that I am so passionate about.

All the effort and time invested made me win the silver medal and I am very happy to have had the opportunity to participate, so thank you to my teacher Guevara for thinking of me for this contest! Now keep working hard!

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