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3D Furniture // Elysee Armchair Variations

3D Furniture // Elysee Armchair Variations

Samuel Arias
by sks7udi0 on 21 Sep 2021

Development of infographics and videos for the commercialization of a product. The Elysée armchair designed by French designer Pierre Paulin exemplifies contemporary comfort originally designed for the renovation of the Elysée Palace in Paris.

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My Elysee Amchayr variations

The Elysée armchair designed by French designer Pierre Paulin exemplifies contemporary comfort originally designed for the renovation of the Elysée Palace in Paris. Commissioned in the 70s by French President Pompidou to fit out a series of reception rooms, Paulin brought modernity to the historic location through his emblematic and innovative style, designing the timeless Elysée armchair, a living room favourite here at Nue Modern.

The compactness, graphic purity and visual lightness of the Elysée seating enables them to fit perfectly into small spaces such as city apartments.

Master Infoarchitecture # Animum Creativity Advanced School // Product Video

Inspirations // Brainstorming

Master Infoarchitecture # Animum Creativity Advanced School // CG Product

Mobel # Elysee Armchayr // Design by Pierre Paulin

CG Artist # Samuel Arias // Master Infoarchitecture / Animum Creativity Advanced School

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