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Sarah, The Tavern Keeper

Sarah, The Tavern Keeper

Rizal bin Mohamad Suhaimi
by RizalMSuhaimi on 8 Sep 2021

I created Sarah and set her in the world of the cancelled Fable Legends game as an introduction for me to realistic game characters.

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This project was meant as an introduction to realistic characters. I chose to create Sarah, the tavern keeper set in the world of the cancelled Fable Legends.

I found that realistic characters require far more technical skills as compared to stylised characters, which makes realism harder to achieve. Nevertheless, this was a good experience and I wish to learn more about making realistic characters in the future.

I used a scan data from to sculpt the tertiary details of the face. I did not know how to best use the scan data so it did not turn out that well. However, I will definitely explore tertiary details a lot more I my future projects

High-poly sculplts:


For the head, I used an unwrapped head texture from to get more accurate colours of the face. It did not work out as well as I had hoped and I believe that it would've turned out better if I spent a bit more time texturing the head in Substance Painter. Everything else was also textured using Substance Painter but without a scanned reference. I unwrapped the model into the following sets:

Set 1: Head, eyes

Set 2: Rest of the body, Inner mouth,

Set 3: Blouse, mobcap, skirts

Set 4: Bangle, bodice, boots

Set 5: Bag, boots

Set 6: Tankard, tray

Set 7: Hair

Hair shader:

I tried to make an eye shader for an eye model that had 2 layers: one with the iris and one for the lens. It would probably be best if I had just used the eye shader from Epic Games' Digital Mike project.

This is the eye shader that I ended up with:

This is the concept that I made and worked from:

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