Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
The Crosshair

The Crosshair

Gaurav Gomes
by gaurav333 on 15 Aug 2021

Had a lot of fun working on this project as I wanted to design and model a tactical & stealthy looking game character with a mix of hard surface and organic parts. Learned a lot of new stuff working on this. Hope you guys enjoy!

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For this Character, I started out by collecting a lot of reference images to get some ideas for the design, after that, I sculpted a body base mesh and then concepted the body armour and other things like the helmet and bionic arm on top of it inside Zbrush, the fabrics were generated in Marvelous Designer and then retouched in Zbrush, then took it into Maya to retopo and make a more refined low poly version of the model, and added some additional details. For the character skin, I followed the Texturing XYZ killer workflow and used Wrap 3, Zbrush and Mari. The High poly to Low poly bakes were done using xNormal and Substance Painter. Finally, everything was textured in Substance Painter and Rendered in Marmoset toolbag 4.

The Face

The Weapons


Concept Sculpt Process

Character Inspiration

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