Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
3D Vintage SEARS Lawn Tractor

3D Vintage SEARS Lawn Tractor

Shane Deptula
by Shrednector on 14 Aug 2021

SEARS Lawn Tractor modeled in Maya, textured with Substance Painter and Photoshop and Rendered in Marmoset Toolbag!

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Sears Lawn Tractor 3D model! I modeled this in Maya, textured in Substance and Rendered in Marmoset. I've been slowly working on this model for the past year now and finally decided it was done! Overall, the model is about 130k tris and has five 4k texture sets. This concept comes from my friend Nick who owns this tractor - he helped in providing detailed reference photos of the tractor in all of its detail. Let me know what you think of the final piece and feel free to suggest areas to improve upon! 

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