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Weekly Drills: Shock Gum

Weekly Drills: Shock Gum

Mikele Mahchi Saba
by MikeleMahchi on 11 Aug 2021

This is my entry for week 65 of the Rookies Weekly Drills about “Bubble Gum”, the “Shock Gum” or “Trick Gum”

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This is my entry for week 65 of the Rookies Weekly Drills about “Bubble Gum”, the “Shock Gum” or “Trick Gum”

I started to look for sources of inspiration or reference, something about bubble gum that would call my attention and I stumbled upon the trick gum rabbit hole. This made me remember when I was a kid and would try to trick my friends into getting shocked. I just knew I had to have a go at it.

It was all modeled in Maya and Zbrush and later textured in substance. At the end it was all rendered in Arnold. The concept is very basic, I just copied the green version of the “electric” bubble gum pack. Once I was finished I thought it was too basic and decided to have a go at replicating the inside electronics that give it its shocking fun. To finalize it I decided to do a studio style render like the ones they do for product marketing and I was done!

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