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Personal Artwork

Personal Artwork

Griffin Lee Allen
by GriffinAllen on 1 Jul 2021

A collection of various 2D, cartoony art pieces I've created over time.

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These monster designs were originally going to be in the game that would've counted as my senior capstone, but that was when I was with the original group at the start of the capstone. After two group splits, I eventually made game that would be the Shadows & Souls demo on my own.

In this original game, many ideas were thrown around, but at the core of it all you would be a monster going around saving these "ugly" monsters from cute monsters that had trapped them. The game would've played like a dungeon crawler. 

As these designs didn't make the transition into switching game ideas, I count them as personal art of mine.

These monsters are included with the ones above, but there's a difference with these three. These monsters are essentially redraws of designs another teammate, Seth Viox, drew up. I redrew the designs with his approval to fit more with my drawing style.

The original logo for the game idea featuring the monsters.

A piece featuring Foxy from Five Night at Freddy's that I drew up around Halloween. I've always loved the character, and considering FNAF is a horror game, I was inspired to draw a picture of him.

A drawing of my personal interpretation of the character Angus from the game Night in the Woods. I used this drawing as a reference for the 3D Angus Head that I modeled for one of my college classes.

Considering the popularity of Pokemon, you can imagine that people have made all kinds of fanart for the games. At one point, I discovered artists making things called "Pokemon Fusions," where they made a Pokemon creature design made up of two existing Pokemon designs. Trying my hand at making a Pokemon Fusion, I combined the designs of Snivy and Accelgor to make a Pokemon Fusion I call Snivgor. While it's an older piece of art at this point, I still really like how I combined the designs here.

As you can probably tell from many of my pieces, Night in the Woods had a big impact on me. I've made multiple pieces of art of the game's characters, and at one point I even drew my own character in the game's minimalistic style.

I've started to occasionally do little strips as warm-ups before I draw other things. I've only done a few, but its felt refreshing just drawing whatever comes to my mind in the moment. For these two strips (the first and second ones) I drew up a set of characters I just call Man & Shadow (M&S). They have a symbiotic relationship of sorts. The Man can speak, but cannot see. The Shadow can see, but cannot speak. In order to live, they live together, and provide for each other. 

Another warm-up, this one features some test sketches of simplified designs for Gregg and Angus from the game Night in the Woods. Besides that, I wanted to draw them more in action, so I drew them in dynamic poses, while also throwing in some representation for Pride Month (since the characters are canonically in a gay relationship in NITW).

Some art I drew up for a character named Louis from Disney's "Princess and the Frog." Being Disney's current last major 2D motion picture, I've always had a soft spot for the film, and even more of a soft spot for Louis. His animation was so well done, and his personality is just so endearing that I knew I should make some fanart for the jazz-loving gator from the Bayou.

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