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Weekly Drills 059 - TreasureMap

Weekly Drills 059 - TreasureMap

by YogendraAgarwal on 20 Jun 2021

"Welcome to the Cave of wonders. You can expect many items but beware of the danger that lies with it." Simply I had fun with this and learn many things.

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So, my third weekly drill. Like Player discover many things with the treasure map, I too discover so many things with past weeks.

First discovery, I didnt know about the live feedback so I watched the past 2 videos to watch the feedback and it helped me a lot. I started my 3D journey starting this year and have not been focusing on textures that much, only modeling so this was perfect opportunity for me.

In the feedback, I was asked to show my references. Here it is plus I watched wikihow on making of treasure map, that helped.

Again In the feedback, I was asked to show the Wireframe and UVs. I removed extra edges, Basically a low poly model for games. Wireframe may not look good and I was afraid to show, so if you are reading this, let me know that its okay to show that type of wireframe render. Currently at 1.45k tris.

Second Discovery, I learned the way how to do wireframe Render in Substance Painter and that was a game Changer. I was looking for ways to do this.

So, Now I will start with the story behind the treasure map. Its a stylized treasure map and plus magical. The contents are change with location and these type of maps are very rare to found. Rarity level SSS+. So thats why they are not that damaged or used. The burn mark will always hide the Important note.

The theme I choose for the map is a cave. In this Cave player can found varieties of things, like plants, birds, animal, fish, small chests and a single random quest in the cave. The X mark here will always provide random high class items. But its not easy to reach as the cave goes deeper with every turn and more danger. Thats why "Cave of wonders".

In the below process, I first added a base color, then height for to show some wear or fold effects. Then added opacity to the edges. I did the major parts like tear in borders, that single hole and big folding in the Maya. I like controlling the big changes in the Model, in Simple I wanted to Push myself in the Model. I didnt know to how to make paper so it was a challenging for me and another discovery of using tools different way.

I learned many things in the Substance Painter this week.

Thanks to and, I was able to get the proper elements. I used Gimp to adjust some of them for SP.

Now for Arnold Render, I like rendering in Arnold, I still dont know much about lightning so I just used a skydome light.

Thats it. Learn many important things these past weeks, which improved many things for me. Will be waiting for the feedback video from now on. Thanks.

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