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Bones: The Making of the Sewers

Bones: The Making of the Sewers

Amber Stacey
by amberstacey on 7 Jun 2021

Environment Design and Vertical Slice for a snippet from "The Sewers" from my game design concept of 'Bones', currently being explored in Unreal Engine.

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This is a short vertical slice based off my game concept 'Bones' that I have been exploring, in which this is the sewers environment from early in episode 1. As I am not a programmer, there is still some functionality I was unable to demonstrate, such as climbing up the ladder, smashing the crate and collecting a health charge (within this particular snippet), however hopefully this helps to provide some insight into the concept. 

Advancing forward, I would love to get the extra interactivity happening, along with rats running around and flickering of lights, however I am pleased with my first ever efforts in a game engine.

Game Engine: Unreal Engine 4 | Texturing: Substance Painter | 3D Modelling: Autodesk Maya 

Sound FX: Compiled using a range of SFX from Soundsnap License, by Amber Stacey | Music: Amber Stacey | Game Design Concept: Amber Stacey

© All rights reserved. 2021

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