Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Musket of the rogue Mycologyst

Musket of the rogue Mycologyst

by AnaisDeRouck on 31 May 2021

EN : This project comes from one of the concept of the talented Maeve B: "Arms of the Rogue Mycologist". I like to imagine that this musket belonged to a pirate, noble sailor or a "fancy pirate"! I took it upon myself to put the artist's name on the musket butt because it sounded good for a pirate or galleon name !

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EN :
This project comes from one of the concept of the talented Maeve B: "Arms of the Rogue Mycologist".
It was a good texture challenge for the two different nacre, the classic and the abalone. I like to imagine that this musket belonged to a pirate, noble sailor or a "fancy pirate"!
Besides, I took it upon myself to put the artist's name on the musket butt because it sounded good for a pirate or galleon name!
PS: I hope to get a nice Nintendo 64 "Atomic Purple" in trade for the musket !


FR :
 Ce projet vient d'un des concepts de la talentueuse Maeve B : "Arms of the Rogue Mycologist". 
C'était un bon défi de texture pour les deux nacres différentes, la classique et l'ormeau. J'aime imaginer que ce mousquet a appartenu à un pirate, un noble marin ou un "pirate fantaisiste" !
D'ailleurs, j'ai pris l'initiative de mettre le nom de l'artiste sur la crosse du mousquet car cela sonnait bien pour un nom de pirate ou de galion !
PS : J'espère avoir une belle Nintendo 64 Atomic Purple en échange du mousquet !

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