Detective's Room

Detective's Room

Alexander Örn Magnússon
by Alexander on 23 May 2021

In 1950's Singapore the detective had exposed his captain of being involved in a murder case. Instead of getting the support from his peers he got disgraced from the department. Searching for the victim's justice, the detective risked his life solving the case on his own.

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In 1950's Singapore the detective had exposed his captain of being involved in a murder case. Instead of getting the support from his peers he got disgraced from the department. Searching for the victim's justice, the detective risked his life solving the case on his own.

This project is based on Leo Aveiro's concept "Apartment Room".

All aspects of the scene are created by me over a 9 week timespan, except the plant leafs are from megascans, paintings by Robert S. Duncanson, archived newspaper articles/pictures and the Book cover generator was created by Michał Wawruch.

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