Weekly Drill 56: Shipping Container
  Play by Play

Weekly Drill 56: Shipping Container

by YogendraAgarwal on 20 May 2021

This was fun drill for me, finding anatomy of the container, basically reference gathering was leveled up for me in this drill.

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Update - 24 May 2021

Done with the textures today, spent a good amount of time.

Thanks to this site, https://www.klipartz.com, was able to find some Good PNGs

Both are Render in Iray

Here, one of my fav character as Graffiti on the back

Then added the textures in Arnold, and this time I used an HDRI lightning

Mikasa, character name, is shining here

Little fun

Well, thats it for the weekly drill, I was planning to do the low poly too but busy for the rest week.

But I am happy with the result, give it my all and didnt rush, and adding the rust in textures was fun, Used many references to find the common rust gathering.

Thanks again and feedback and critiques are always welcome.

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Update - 22 May 2021

This time I spent less time on Substance Designer and I am finally figuring out how few of the nodes work.

I spent a good amount of time on google to figure out the lock system of the Gates. Just simple doing a search of "Shipping Containers" don't even show locked containers. I had to search with many different keywords just to find a pic how containers are locked. And I even find out a anatomy pic of container that in the end was super helpful.

So after I was done, I just realized, ROOF, I forgot the roof. Luckily was easy to add. Anyway  new experience earned.

So I spent few minutes grouping some Geo together to open the gate. Here the both close and open version.

So this was fun. Going to do UVs and Textures on Monday, and probably I will finish it by Tuesday. I dont do anything on Sunday, Sunday is anime day. Seriously, one of motivation is to just reach Sunday for anime day.

Again thanks, if anyone is reading all of this and as always feedback and critiques are welcome.

P.S I just figure out today that I could just render instead of taking those horrible Screenshots.

Update - 21 May 2021

Another Day. So I was a little busy, honestly struggling out with Substance Designer. Innocent yesterday me thinking it will going to be easy ride to learn SD, huh, amateur. So many nodes but the result is surprising.

I learn with experience to model with plan ahead. Right now I separated the meshes in a way that if I could find the time, I can convert the model to a low poly for games and could bake easily.

I usually apply some colour but I am actually digging the default here, turning on AO make it more cool sometimes.

Thats it for today, I will give it more time tomorrow and will try to fight less with SD.

Update - 20 May 2021

Another weekly drill. Here we go.

So for this week I decided to try the play by play option, was curious.

Collected a lot of references, first time creating a container and never seen one in real life. Took me almost an hour to find some good references. I am right now planning to create 2 container. One with door close and one with door open, to make it more interesting. Good thing I was able to find a good size chart with meeting my requirements. Never thought avoiding maths that much will kick in that much now but thanks to google I was able to convert those sizes for Maya. Here are the references...

Now for next step, I set up the ref model for the scale in Maya. By the way I chose the 20-foot high cube, because its sound cool.

Thats it for today, I only set up the references for today (Almost 9pm here). Right now I am planning to make it a High poly. If I managed to save time, will make a low poly for games too. Also right now I just started learning Substance Designer yesterday, who know, maybe by the time, I may be able to create some good alphas. Right now SD is like Gacha loot box for me, addicted to create but without knowing the end result.