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Gianmarco Sanseverino-Weta Digital-Entry 2021

Gianmarco Sanseverino-Weta Digital-Entry 2021

Gianmarco Sanseverino
by Marcoask1993 on 18 May 2021

Hello Guys! My Name is Gianmarco Sanseverino I am an Australian Resident and Currently living in Sydney (with all Rights to work in New ZealandXD) . My passion for CG keep pushing me to my limits. I have always dreamed to work for Huge companies like Weta Digital.

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Hi Everyone! The Sea Dragon knight is my main project for the entry, The inspiration came from the poster of "The lord of the Rings- the return of the king"As a personal project I worked on all aspect. Thanks to the studies for the project I have improve my knowledges on facial anatomy. While working on the armor I have particularly enjoyed to play the lord of the ring soundtracks and submerge my self into that world.
I hope you will enjoy it!  

Shot 2:

Shot 3:


The first step for all my project is to spend 1 or 2 days for Reference gathering, these are the references that I ended up Using the most:


I started sculpting the face in z-Brush, I have been careful to start from simple shapes and forms and slowly moving to more complex shapes. 

When I finished the main shapes I moved to Maya to started the block out of the armor how you can see the final product it is very different form these screen grabs. XD

Once I cleaned up the topology  of the armor and finished the UV I moved to Z-Brush to Sculpt de details, I applied the decorative pattern Using the UV masking option, the pattern was created in Photoshop. 

For the skin detail I used the XYZ Textures in Mari. 


The second Project I chose are the Robotic Design and the Hand Canon, I worked on this project during the Elmenteza classes, I love Hard surface modeling during this project I focused mostly on the topology.  For this project I worked only in Maya and substance painter.

Demo Reel:

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