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Lake Incognito
  Play by Play

Lake Incognito

by heiggs on 19 Apr 2021

First WIP environment project, heavily referenced from Lake Bled(On thumbnail). Main focus is to make this first on blender, then worry about importing it to game engine.

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Update - 23 Apr 2021

Update since last post. Blocking out the main pieces in the scene is alot harder than thought from looking references at only few different angles I could find.

I've enlargened the island and put out blocks for few main elements in the area and next would be time to put out the last missing pieces, then to start from one piece at the time working it towards the end product.

School semester is finally getting towards the end so I get some more time with this project. Having a lot of courses and volunteer work is making process kind of slow.

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Update - 19 Apr 2021

First environmental piece from me, doing this as a project in the summer while I have some more time off from school. Main reference used in this piece is Lake Bled in Slovenia.

Firstly I started mapping out the size of lake with information on wikipedia, though making the whole lake on 1 on 1 size would be too much to handle with all details I planned while looking at the references.

So I eyeballed a size of the island in the middle of ocean, used Blender addon "ANT" ( Another noise tool ) to make rough island and sculpted it a bit to look more like an island.

At the same time I made first concept pine tree using Sapling tree generator, if I plan to make this into game engine, these trees will have to go, but for now I can let them be until I need to cross that bridge.

After doing all this little sketching to get somewhat scale looking at the pictures I started making rough staircase going top, used metarig to again scale the size of island by eyeballing scale from reference picture. There's a lot of tweaking to be done as the ground, stairs and first buildings are being made.

Let's see where this is going towards end of the week.