Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Decazur - One Week Creature

Decazur - One Week Creature

Jona Marklund
by jonamarklund on 6 May 2019

This creature was made during a personal challenge to see if it'd be possible to go from concept to implemented game character within the span of one week.

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This character was made for a character class at Futuregames. My goal was to see if I could push a character from concept to in-engine within a single work-week. 

Sculpting and iterating the design - 20 hours.
Lowpoly, baking and texturing - 12 hours.
Rigging, test animation and Unreal Engine implementation - 8 hours.

Furthest donw on the page you can see a small test animation from within Unreal Engine. The smaller arms, as well as the antennae, are physics driven.

Concept - Sculpt - Textures - Rig - Wireframe

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