Sword Of War

Sword Of War

Kavi Kumar
by kavikumar on 6 Mar 2021

2D platformer game, Kill enemies , Kill boss , survive and reach the next levels.

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Sword Of War

This game is about a Ninja Samuel and his father Victor who is the leader of Ninja Community. As Victor grow old he has to hand over his leadership to Samuel. For the sake of leadership another Ninja named Rogue came in and tries to kill Victor but somehow Samuel saved his father but Rogue took “The Sword Of War” with him before leaving. Sword Of War is the most powerful weapon any Ninja could have and it has the ability to Destroy the whole Ninja Community.

After taking the sword Rogue build is own army and his own Den which is full of traps. This created fear in the Ninja Community.

Now Samuel is appointed the job by his father to kill Rogue and get back the sword to maintain peace in the Community. For that Samuel has to enter Rogue’s Den and fight with his army.

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