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Festus, the happy dragon

Festus, the happy dragon

Felix Gourlaouen
by felixgourlaouen on 30 Dec 2020

This is a project I started during the summer, I wanted to challenge myself with modelling, texturing, and basically translating a 2D concept to 3D.

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Basically this is some fanart of Antonio Caparo's great illustration, which was drawn for Rick Riordan's Heroes of Olympus.
I've loved reading the books growing up and I'm proud to have been able to translate this amazing design to 3D as best as I could.
It was really interesting to have to think about how some parts wouldn't work and how they could work, and to question myself on stuff like: how would a mechanical dragon actually breathe fire? Through a flamethrower nozzle, of course!
A huge challenge was actually modelling the greek letters. I looked around to see what ancient greek letters could end up sounding like Festus, it was good fun!
I also got to dig a bit deeper into substance painter which I enjoyed a lot

I tried to make this shot as close to the actual illustration

Antonio Caparo's original design

All UV tiles screenshot

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