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#RookiesWeeklyDrills - Procedural SpaceRocket

#RookiesWeeklyDrills - Procedural SpaceRocket

Ivona Aleksandrova
by shony on 3 Jul 2020

A quick Weekly Drill project exercise in Houdini.

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Weekly Drill - Procedural Space Rocket

Controls and shape variation.

Over the past 4 days, I wanted to expand my knowledge in Houdini and used the Weekly Drills to practice working procedurally. This is the system I created in roughly 3-4 days using Houdini.

Although it still has a long way to final completion, it was a great experience and a learning outcome going through a whole range of aspects from Procedural modelling, Polygonal modelling, Environment Generation and doing some tests with clouds and particles.

A breakdown of the construction of the rocket model. The scene is fully procedural. My aim is to animate the launch of the rocket and apply some RBDs and particle simulations over the next couple of days.

The Weekly Drills are a great inspiration and I was amazed by how far I can get in a couple of days starting from scratch and still learning the Houdini pipeline on the go. 

Thank you for the inspiration, motivation and your time viewing the protect! :)

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