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Lost Fae
  Play by Play

Lost Fae

Pat Suchatsirikul
by patvit on 2 Jun 2020

A sickly young girl enamored by fairy tales searches for a panacea with the rumored fairies; her guardian suspect there is something more amiss within the town where the fairies supposedly dwell...

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Update - 2 Jun 2020

Early design of the two main characters.

Lost Fae is another personal project of mine, that started with a passion for creating an emotional scene. Here I am challenging myself to create more colorful environments that fit the mood of the story. I was heavily inspired by the PSVR game Deracine by FROM SOFTWARE and wanted to create something with a similar somber and peaceful feeling yet more colorful like Violet Evergarden. Its aim to become a mystery problem-solving VR game.

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