Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!


by nselbits on 1 Jun 2020

An onus is a weight or burden that one must bear, a responsibility. This thesis is about exploration, and my weight-loss and fitness journey that was my responsibility to myself.

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My thesis was composed of two main goals: to explore and to evoke emotion. For the first section, I had to explore a facet of design and animation that was new to me as well as create a compelling story to give structure to that experimentation. I decide to spend the beginning of my time exploring materials and their physical properties, and to understand how and why they looked the way they did.

The story that is told using these explorations is that of my own weight-loss and fitness journey, representing the struggle and realizations I made along the way to achieve my goals. The story splits into three sections that give an overview of what the process was like from when I first started, to when I finally reached what I considered to be my crowning achievement. These three sections are bookended by the literal milestones that I reached along my journey.

To convey my story more deeply than just at a surface-level, I attempted to create a mini-story or mood within each section to represent my mental states and what I imagine many people go through when they first start this type of journey themselves; Trying to overexert and ultimately failing, realizing progress isn't linear, understanding what you're currently capable of and how to improve, and being able to understand how what actions you're taking are impacting your body.

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