Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Whimsical Pine Tree Fairy

Whimsical Pine Tree Fairy

Teresa Park
by namussah on 31 May 2020

There are small forest fairies in the woods watching over us, keeping us safe. This was a small personal project I worked on besides working on my senior thesis. I hope it can convey a story!

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Forest fairies watch over us from beyond the pines!

I had been working little by little on this small personal project throughout the final year of university. Although I was busy with my senior thesis, I felt the need to work on other things once in awhile. This project was my small forest oasis!

I focused on expressing a whimsical feeling. It started out as just the fairy as a turntable as a means for me to try out substance painter and marmoset toolbag.

Check out my preliminary concept sketch and progress work below!

I didn't have a grounded idea of what the final outcome would end up as until I worked my way through modeling

1 part fairy baby.

2 part bendy pine trees to add character!

The tree scene started out as an experimental xgen file, but I took it into a different trajectory by combining it with my fairy character.

Overall, I am satisfied with the final result. I added the forest background noises to help sell the ambiance.

I am the proudest of my own work when I can successfully convey a story.

Thank you for viewing!

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