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Kiko's Adventure

Kiko's Adventure

Chen Wei Teng
by wtchen on 7 May 2020

Kiko's adventure is a project designed for kids aged 5 to 10 with a combination of a mobile game app with an art kit. The goal is to allow kids to be creative and balance their virtual and physical performance. Kids get to explore more on different mediums with their creativity.

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Kiko's Adventure - a social innovation project

Kiko's Adventure is one of the projects I've worked on during my final year in college. I got inspired by the kids aged 5 to 10 in this age of technology. They have lesser free time to dream, make-believe and focus on what they truly love as they are over-scheduled and under pressure to perform academically which cause them to be less creative and imaginative. Therefore, I would like to make a move for them, and I hope it helps! To do so, I thought that making a game which includes physical activities would helps a child's growth.


The Teaser:

Before getting into the game, I made a short teaser story of how little chick Kiko starts his adventure so that it helps kids with their imagination by storytelling. The media that I chose to advertise this game is on YouTube as it is the best media to reach out for kids. The game trailer would be attached to both the game app and the adventure kit.


The Adventure:

I chose the 3rd art style for the overall art direction as it is simple and neat. It also suits better with a kid's preference. The main colour palette would be green and orange so that it brings out a fun and adventurous feeling. As the game is for children age 5 to 10, it requires parents to oversee their child so that the game can go on. The game differentiates the user with the colours of the button clicked, green for kids and red for parents. The game has been developed in a demo version using Unity 2D.


The Adventure Kit:

As for the adventure kit, there are some basic tools for kids to experiment with and they are, a box of crayons, watercolour cake, some colourful papers, washi tapes, and Eco-dough to help them fuels their creative thinking. There is also a stack of cards in the box so that kids could play even without a mobile device.

I would like to thank The One Academy Penang and my supervisor in college, Mr Leong Wai Khong for supervising me on this project.

For more works please visit my Behance at:

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