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Freedom from Fear

Freedom from Fear

Hsien Lun Su
by roachsu on 14 Mar 2019

Chiang Kai-shek, a former dictator of the Republic of China who ruled Taiwan from 1945~1975. He was the prime perpetrator who should be ultimately responsible for the February 28 and the White Terror.

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Chiang Kai-shek, a former dictator of the Republic of China who ruled Taiwan from 1945~1975. He was the prime perpetrator who should be ultimately responsible for the February 28 massacre in which up to 28,000 (twenty eight thousand) Taiwanese were killed by Chiang’s KMT troops. He also should be accountable for the White Terror in which around 140,000 (one hundred and forty thousand) Taiwanese were persecuted, tortured and killed.

Thus, the authoritarian symbols of Chiang should be removed as soon as possible. However, transitional justice has more far-reaching goals than simply the removal of authoritarian symbols. Its fundamental aim is to build sustainable peace, prevent such human rights violations happening again and assist during democratization through social healing and reconciliation efforts.​​​​​​​

For more information about the history, please visit:

Music: Arvo Part - Spiegel im Spiegel



Roach Su - Director

Yi Heng Huang - FX Artist

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