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Inception - Exploding Cafe

Inception - Exploding Cafe

Elliot Griffiths
by elliotgriffiths on 11 Mar 2020

University Project. Tasked with re-creating a scene from a film.

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Here is a University Project I worked on in the first semester of 2nd Year. We were tasked to re-create a scene from a film, therefore I went with the exploding Cafe from Inception (2010). I really struggled with this project throughout its development, mainly due to my poor time management skills with other modules having similar deadlines. However, I believe it turned out rather well given the time I had to create it. 

This project really taught me how important time management skills in large projects. Prior to this, I had worked on assets or single rooms, this was the largest project I have done to date yet I am eager to learn as much as I possibly can about this trade. I am excited as to where the future will take me.

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