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Hello! My name is Ian Paludo, I am a 3d artist born in Chapeco but I was raised in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. I currently live in Vancouver, BC, Canada. I have a degree in Mechanical Engineering and I have 6 years of experience in the area but I decided to change my professional career to something I always liked, which is computer graphics and I started to learn 3D in September 2017.

it's been a few years. After studying visual Arts at University and working in the field for sometime ,I realized that I'm constantly been drawn to give life to my art works. At that time I decided to go for a degree in 3D Animation and build my career there.

When I was a junior high school student, I thought I wanted to work at film industry.

Games and Tech have always been my biggest passion. I've always wanted to work in these industries and my love for architecture made Environment Art the perfect fit for me.

I first realised that I wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment industry when I was in high school at the age of 14. I have always been a movie fanatic and I was always super fascinated by the magic behind the Visual Effects. Since I was drawn to the digital magic, I would experiment with 3D modeling software and find ways to mimic inspirational art pieces. I love the adrenaline the results give me.

I've always had a passion for creative endeavors, but it wasn't until the COVID lockdown that I truly solidified my decision to pursue a career in the creative industries

Long ago, when I was just a child. That have grown into a dream ever since I have started learning animation in Institute of Media Arts in Vancouver. And now here I am, running around seeking for artistic adventures and opportunities!

When I was in HighSchool I got serious about joining the industry but I’ve always loved making art.

I had watched 'Transformers' when I was a kid and was completely awed by how these robots were able to transform themselves into cars and then back to their autonomous selves. It was that time that I thought I should get into the same field.

When I understood that, as VFX artists, we create magic for the audience.

I start to realize that I wanted to work in creative media when I start to study at VanArts. At first, I was just curious about how people create video games and starting to understand the basics of what are the roles and what people can create. I started to feel fun creating a video game and I want to support or help create video games.

When did you first realise you wanted to work in creative industries? When I played Sonic 3 and Knuckles back in 1994.

I am technically a graduate in Chemistry and art was something I did during my free time. I have been interested in drawing anime and cartoon characters since I don't know when. Being a Disney/Pixar and Harry Potter enthusiast, I had always been in awe when watching their movies, thinking about how they made these beautiful characters and creatures, how they made them move and what makes them look so magical and real. That curiosity led me to this industry today.

Since I was a kid I watched animated movies mesmerized, I wanted to do great stories. As I started my trip in the animation world, I decided to specialize myself in 3D animation, and modeling.

I realized it when I was younger, creating things from scratch and just being creative. And the inspiration came from sketching, drawing a lot during my childhood days.

5-6 years back i use to make science videos on youtube and i use to love editing them , a year or 2 ago i took my first 3d class in maya and since then there's no looking back just love making things from my imagination .

I had been interested in art since 6th grade. I had been researching different types and found Visual Effects to be very interesting. So I wanted to pursue a career in this field. I love being an artist.

It's almost a year back when I decided to take proper training in the Visual Effects field. My passion for movies & films always kept me on the edge and made me curious about things going behind a perfect CGI shot.

I started exploring different career paths when I was young and always wanted to do something creative and at the later stage of exploring I discovered that my interest is to be a technical artist. Since all the technical artist courses are not beginner level. I decided to join game development stream and later move on to technical arts.

I've been watching a lot of movies since I was a kid, but when I was in high school, the first DVD I bought had a bonus featurette that included a behind-the-scenes video, and that's where I first learned about effects and green screens. At that time, I started thinking that I wanted to create effects myself, and that I wanted to impress someone with the work I created. I'm grateful for the opportunity to be so immersed in VFX that I lose track of time.

I have been passionate about art for my whole life and have always wanted to work in a creative job!

When I was a high school student(2018), I realized I want to work in Hollywood film industry.