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I first realized that I wanted to work as a concept artist about two years ago when I started looking for alternatives to graphic design(Since I didn't really grow up knowing about many digital art careers.) I wanted to tell stories with my drawings. I only found out that concept art was even a career then and it just sounded like what I've been looking for.

I've been a hobby artist for a long time, but after very unfulfilling stabs at careers in film and academia, I decided to go back to school and make art happen!

I have always loved games and the amazing possibilities that come along with 3D. In short, I have always wanted to do it but never knew that it could become a reality for me until a friend let me play around with his Maya and Zbrush, and from that moment I realized that I wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment industry.

I always loved art and animation as a kid, but it wasn't until I found an ad for an online animation school that I really thought of animation as something I could do for a living. Once I learned Maya was a thing I could just download onto my own computer I had to know more!

I've had it in my for a long time, but never really articulate on it until recently. Most of my qualifications have in part to do with it, even if they were not exactly for it.