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My eye has been drawn to visual art since I can remember myself. At the age of 9 I remember flipping through an old product catalogue and instead of looking at the toy section, I would spend hours redrawing a kitchen I liked. For a long time since I thought all that was just a fun distraction, but experience kept showing me that my strength indeed lies in concepts, design and visual content. So I listened to my gut, went back to school and now I am learning to swim in the vast world of design.

Mi pasión por el mundo digital comenzó cuando estaba haciendo la carrera de Bellas Artes. Me desvié a la rama de Diseño Gráfico donde descubrí por mi cuenta el maravilloso mundo de 3D y sus posibilidades de recrear cualquier fantasía o sueño que tengas en mente. Hoy en día estoy intentando profundizar en la materia y llegar a lograr explotar máximo potencial de este maravilloso universo.

It's very interesting and I'm really excited to be able to do what I love.

Architect since 2019.

Since childhood, I knew my true passion lay in the creative industry. Drawing and appreciating art's colors, textures, and lighting fascinated me. Discovering my talent for drawing, I aspired to create something unique and exciting. Despite challenges, I acquired knowledge in various creative disciplines, studying techniques and expanding my skills. Each project is an adventure to explore my creativity and make a meaningful contribution. Sharing my vision with the world fills me!!

As an architect and photography enthusiast, I quickly realized that the world of architectural visualization and 3D was my vocation. The possibility of being able to show what you have in your imagination has no limits. Design, technical implementation, color theory, lighting, composition, style, and narrative are all elements that require study for each of my images.

Creativity has always accompanied me.

Since I was young I felt a strong passion in drawing characters, read comics, and animation films. I studied Technical Architecture, and now I decided to specialize in 3D Architectural visualization.

I have always been related to the industry one way or another specially design and architecture. Recently discovered the world of 3D and all the posibilities it brings me and felt I needed to get into it deeper.

I have always been connected with the artisan although we live in a digital world. I believe that the creation of an architecture or interior design project always begins in your hands, with a pencil and a paper, and ends in the entire world thanks to architectural visualization.

Arquitecta y apasionada de la fotografía. Siempre he estado enamorada de las visualizaciones arquitectónicas, pero nunca pensé en hacerlo para ganarme la vida.

Me encanta el arte y el diseño. Creaba espacios con ayuda de mis dibujos y recortes de revistas. Cuando me gradué en diseño de interiores, decidí tomar el camino de visualización arquitectónica.

Hello, This is Rita! I'm 28 and as a interior designer and ephemeral architect, I always wanted to improve my 3d skills as I think this is an amazing world. After 5 years of experience working in the interior design industry in Marbella - Spain, now I'm focus finding a international job and I really want to reach bigger professional and personal goals. One of them is doing Architectural Visualisations as an expert. Also, I love drawing, painting, and graphic design!

I was interested in interior design from a very young age and, since I studied my degree in Industrial Design, I discovered this world of Architectural Visualization, which I am more and more passionate about every day, and it is in what I would like to occupy my professional life, in the not-so-distant future.

architect and photography passionate. I have always been in love with architectural visualizations but never though of doing it for a living. After working in many countries (UK, Saudi Arabia, Germany) and offices I finally decided that I wanted to become a professional 3d artist. I have always been self thought but now I want to take a step forward, study hard, learn and start doing what I really enjoy doing

Since ever i think , the first time i see the movie "TRON" it blowing my mind

As a child, I loved creating my own games instead of playing ready-made ones. Early on, I realized design and creativity would shape my life. Although initially drawn to jewelry design, I never pursued it professionally. Over time, my true passion for architecture and interior design emerged. Now, I embark on a career as an architectural visualization designer, where my happiness lies in creating visually stunning spaces.

From the moment I started studying civil engineering, I always knew my interests extended beyond mere construction. Interior design has always deeply fascinated me. The ability to transform creative concepts into tangible reality greatly appeals to me. The idea of using virtual reality technology to visualize and present these designs adds significant value both professionally and when showcasing the project to a client.

I have always liked interior design and working with 3D tools.

I am an interior designer and I believe in the graphic representation of the project concept

Hace 3 años, cuando descubrí un proyecto hecho en 3ds max, proyecto artístico, de animación, no arquitectónico. Desde ese momento me puse a investigar más sobre el programa y me fascinó la idea de poder crear todo lo que se me venía a la cabeza con un ordenador, me parece increíble.

I have always been interested in the creative and artistic fields, both personally and professionally, ¡ and what better way to spend your time than doing something interesting!

Cuando descubri el curso , me ayudo a descubrir que este mundo es muy diverso e interesante , a partir de ahi me empece a apasionar con ello