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I wanted to work within the Industry (Creative Media / Entertainment Industry) when I was nearing the end of my Highschool / Secondary School educational period, when I found the Paradox Interactive Grand Strategy games. Getting into the industry has become slightly easier now too, due to the various known engines (Unity / Unreal) having becoming free.

I wanted to get into the games industry as soon as I left secondary school.

I realised when I was around 14 years old and won a competition which gave me a glimpse of the games industry which inspired me to do something within the industry.

I realised I had a real passion for video games when I was coming up to my final year of secondary school, I'd come to point where games was the only thing I had any real passion for, but not just the games themselves, but everything that went into them. I loved the music, the voice acting, the sound design, the visuals, the level design and I wanted to understand how you made them. So I enrolled in college for games design and then went on to the current course I'm on know for Games Development

I first realized I wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment industry when I starting making mods and custom levels for UT99 (Unreal Tourenament 1999). I really enjoy making mods and custom levels, and from there is when I learnt about the Unreal Engine and starting making games from then onwards.

I first realized i wanted to work in the games industry when i first got my hands on World of Warcraft. My parents made the decision to take me out of school and home-school me due to my mental health, in this time i first started actively playing PC games such as World of Warcraft and Runescape. As most people do, i got heavily addicted to them and was playing them every single second i could - as my passion for the games grew my passion for the industry grew simultaneously.

I grew up surrounded by video games, Introduced to them by dad and later played games such as Super Mario Sunshine with him. This among other experinces in my youth geared me towards a creative field from the get go, additionally I spent alot of my time growing up drawing and sketching cartoons; . As I got older and exams didn't click with me I felt that going into a career that mirrored my upbringing would be the best and therefore I decided to combine the two and study games design at uni.

I realised late on where I wanted to work but I always had a fascination with cartoons.

When I was at school I struggled to get involved within any subject. It may have been a lack of interest or a lack of input from teachers who were too busy looking after 30 other students in a class, but when I heard I could be a game designer my entire outlook changed. Games design has given me a future that I wasn't sure I could have, putting all of my effort into it has caused great change and a much better outlook for me that I otherwise would not have had.

Playing games from my childhood inspired me immensely and seeing all the art produced for games is so inspiring and drives me to work. I love being creative and games development is a great outlet for that creativeness.

when i was in secondary school i got my first laptop and would play games with friends and would always want to make my own models and modes for games and would talk to my friends on how i wanted to make my own games after a few years i found out making a game on my own would be difficult and i discovered i was not the best at all the required things for a game i found out i enjoy modelling a lot.

When I was a young girl around 7/8 I was really interested and inspired by video games and in particular the artwork and creativity behind them. I have always had a passion for drawing and being creative and would often come up with my own characters.

I first realized what made me want to wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment industry is when a friend told me about a game development course that he is going to attend, which peaked my curiosity and ultimately decided to enroll with him. Ever since I started the game development course, I've grown to love the work that came with it; especially the 3D modelling and art parts.

At around age 14/15 I watched a 'Making of' video for an upcoming game and it showed the ins and outs of creating a professional game and the learning processes through out the development and it was the first time that I had found something that I thought "hey, this looks like something I could see myself doing." From that point, I've closely followed different AAA developers and their work until it came time for me to choose something to take on to college and I chose Game Development.

Since I was a small kid I was always into video games and they always amazed me. After playing countless hours and adoring every second of it I tried a few engines and other 3D software like Maya or Blender and ever since I aim to improve my skills.

I first realised I wanted to make games when I was around 15 and most of my free time was dedicated to watching or playing games and thought that I would love to create experiences that could captivate someone as much as I was by the games I enjoyed to play

I have always enjoyed different forms of creative media and wanted to use my passion for creative media to create different projects for people to enjoy. I have always been fascinated about how people have been able to create games, audio for games and other elements within games as well.

From a very young age, I played a lot of games as a kid and was always drafting up new ideas as to what I myself would like to play since I was roughly 7. As I started to grow older I wanted others to get the same enjoyment I received as a child growing up with games.

During High School.

from a young age, my favourite hobby was playing games with my brothers spending days on end play golden eye, Mario Kart and perfect dark. This love for games only got stronger the older I got but playing games was not enough I want to try and be a part of creating them in some was so I whet to college to learn how. now I am just about to finish my university degree in game development and hopefully make this happen.

I first realised that I wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment industry when I finished school.

Playing video games for the majority of my childhood I shortly realised that I wanted to change the games that I was playing and be able to create my own tools and ultimately be able to create my own experience whether it be through concept art, animation, programming or any other areas of games design that allows me to express my creative freedom.

Ever since i had a knowledgeable mind-set about video games and movies i have always been curious of how they where made, for example how do they get certain characters to do certain things so smoothly. So ever since i wondered how animations and games are made i have been driven towards analysing every single detail i can to then be able to do it myself when i do start designing my own projects.