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I have wanted to be an artist since I was able to hold a crayon. I became interested in digital art when I was 10 years old, I had always been a fan of video games and I began to wonder how they are made. I would sit there while playing my favorite games wondering how they got the lighting to look the way it does, how they got such detail in the textures, how they handled the transition to 3D etc. After years of thinking about all these things I decided I wanted to learn.

I have always been a massive fan of film and games from very early on in my life; Pokemon, Disney Movies, and Anime were major influences of my creative life. Once I fully immersed myself into art prior to high school, the realization of wanting to work in creative media fully blossomed.

Growing up I was always interested in building my ideas with Legos. Later in life around the age of 17, I became more hands-on with VFX and creating fake worlds with free compositing software. (Hitfilm Express) That's when I knew I found my gem.

When I was in the fourth grade.

When I was little, I would become obsessed with movies and watch the entirety of behind the scenes footage on the DVDs. I was amazed to discover that not everything actually existed in real life and could be created by computers. From then on, I've been obsessed with VFX & CGI and how they allow us to bring the fantastical to life. The industry is constantly evolving and producing innovations I didn’t even know were possible, and I knew I needed to be part of that.

I grew up making movies. When I was little my dad would help us make home movies with his camcorder. We spent hours making movies with legos or puppets or costumes. Once I got older I inherited my dad's camcorder and started making movies with my friends. We would finish a movie in a weekend. I didn't know what to do with my love of digital media until I took a 3D Digital Design class my senior year of high school. I knew I could do this everyday and be happy.

I originally wanted to be a cartoonist when I was six, but around junior year of high school, I decided I wanted to go into Animation for my love of storytelling and acting. Animation allows me to express myself intuitively, and create engaging and compelling performances that I can't do in traditional acting. Another big reason, was when a Disney animator critiqued my work and he instantly changed the animation into something beautiful, and I knew I wanted to be able to have that ability.

I started realizing it when I was in my teens. I was always an artistic kid and I was 13 when I was introduced to 3D while modding Star Wars: Jedi Academy. I was 16 when I dabbled into game development and I quickly learned that while I wasn't great with programming and game design, I excelled at game art.

I've been constantly fascinated with film, video games, and stories. 3D art is an amazing combination of both the visual and technical aspects that I love. I'm currently pursuing my BFA in 3D Digital Design at the Rochester Institute of Technology. I specialize in modeling, texturing, and lighting/rendering; although I do love all aspects of 3D production!

When I was in high school, I was fascinated with motion graphics and 3D work. I spent days picking apart 3D and graphics engines in video games, until I eventually found myself in Blender. Before long I was infatuated with the program and 3D art as a whole. I loved the modeling process and look development especially. I dedicated my schooling to 3D at Rochester Institute of Technology and haven't looked back since.

When I was 13 years old. I realized that my strength was when I created artwork. It helped verbalize how I felt, but it also helped tell stories and capture moments in the artwork.

When I got in trouble for drawing all over my math homework in elementary school.

I played a video game called "Battlestations: Midway" when I was 7 and thought "I want to make something like that".

In high school, I wanted to get into architecture, and I did my senior thesis as a mock architectural project - I hated the whole thing, except for the visualization and design of the building. I looked for opportunities to explore 3D design further, and wound up studying at RIT. I "fell into" programming and technical art/design early on in my college career, and I knew I'd found my niche.

In 2014, when I tried on HTC vive.

Early on in my creative journey, I completed a year of everyday renders. Near the end of this process, I started to realize that I could make something out of this in life. It didn't have to be simply a hobby anymore, rather it could support me and let me put my all into something I love. I've been chasing this reality ever since and documenting an enormous portion of my work online. This makes it very easy to look back over the years and remember where I come from and how I've improved.

In middle school when I first touched Photoshop. I haven't discovered 3D creation yet but I knew that I would be miserable if I went to any other field than digital art.

Back in sophomore year of college I realized that the major I was in was not for me and so I switched, best decision I ever made.

I always wanted to do art, but only really tried to get into it as a job when I realized computer science wasn't something I enjoyed or was good at.

I knew I wanted to be involved in art in some fashion cause it was the only class in school I actively craved and trained for. 3D happened on a whim before I entered college and I am so glad to be apart of it. To be able to create art in 3d as a medium has given me so much to learn and so many ways to show creativity.

I took some classes on game design during high school. I felt so very lost and didnt know what I wanted to pursue in my life, so I was testing the waters. What I found was a new method of self-expression and a new creative outlet. I loved that hated programming but Loved modeling. I found I could have a hand in making experiences that people care about and enjoy, I want to dedicate my self to making these experiences at a professional level.

I have always wanted to work in a creative industry, I have been creating artwork since I was very young. It wasn't until high school when I discovered my love for blending technology and art and 3d media.