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I've always had a keen interest in illustration, art and other areas of story telling. while i've had a fascination with cg animation and the avenues that come with that and the gaming industry, it's only been the last few years that i've given it a chance and have been modeling ever since.

I first realize I wanted to work in creative industries around 18

I’ve always loved to create things, and used to be constrained by physical limits. At 15 I found 3D modelling and have been doing it ever since. The fact I can create anything I could imagine is mind blowing to me.

I have been interested in 3D modeling for a number of years but only recently considered pursuing it as a career choice. Recent world events encouraged me to reassess my career aspirations and I thought, if not now, when?

I studied digital graphic design in Mexico and I had a class of basic 3D concepts with Maya and Zbrush and I loved it. I was a web developer before becoming a 3D Artist, Then I got the chance to study 3D Modeling at LaSalle College Vancouver to get a better understanding and improve my skills and I want to keep learning.

-Grade 8 project about the career I wanted -Thought I had no idea, hated it -Procrastinated by learning Maya instead -Parents notice, try to get me back to work -I tell them I have no idea, and hate the question -My brother overhears and says, "I thought you always wanted to make games" -I felt stupid. I've always loved anything related to art and games, and being creative, but I never really considered it to be an option until then.