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I had a desire to express myself quite early on in my life, and for a long time I was trying to find how exactly I wanted to do this. As a kid I got into making my own animations, starting with stop-motion Lego and over the years moving onto 2D Flash animations. This was my first experience in creative media, and whilst afterwards I practiced fine art, guitar, and even some acting, it was when I married my passions of art and games that I found what I wanted to do with my life.

I began to consider a career in 3d animation and vfx when I was around 15.

At the tender age of 12, fate introduced me to a captivating magazine that unveiled the marvels of 3D to my curious mind. From that very moment, my heart was set ablaze with an unwavering desire to become a pioneer in the field of environment design. Despite the naysayers who deemed it a futile pursuit, I steadfastly pursued my dream with relentless dedication. For me, there was no other path to follow. And so, I immersed myself in the art of environment design

Currently studying Game Art at Falmouth University.

When I was younger, I loved watching Aardman Animations and it made me want to create my own art. Growing up I was introduced to The legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker on the Gamecube and since playing that game, I have wanted to get into the Games Industry.

I first realised I wanted to be a concept artist after watch Feng Zhu's videos on Youtube during my BA in Drawing & Applied Arts.

I've been interested in animation since I was a child, growing up watching Aardman and Pixar films. I initially wanted to go into stop-motion animation but have really taken to 3D work.

Throughout my life I have only ever been interested in two things: movies and video games (the latter was to my parents dismay), through my life I have learnt that it is far more valuable to do things which you are passionate about, I came to this decision about 5 years ago when I was very ill lying in bed. Video games offer an expressive medium more powerful than any previous, it is to this new, mysterious and exciting field to which I have decided to devote my lives effort.

I have always enjoyed art growing up, studying fine art heavily throughout my time in school. I have a love of digital art and video games, and it soon intertwined with my time in art. I started to pursue concept art and the games industry during my time in college.

I never had an interest in any artistic medium until I was 16. I always loved the look of game art and was always fascinated by the way games were designed. For a long while I believed I was going to be a concept artist but as went through my first year of University I realized I was more capable and intrigued by 3D art creation. I recently graduated from Falmouth University and am pursuing a role in 3D prop art or Environment Art.

Hey I'm Sean, I specialise in 2D styalised character art and I'm studying to become a concept artist!

Storytelling has always been my passion and it was while studying for my master’s degree that I became really interested in games as a narrative medium and their ability to engage the player as an active participant in narrative rather than as a passive spectator. For my master’s I am completing a Major Project with a focus on guiding the player through Level Design and using the level design to communicate intent and narrative to the player.

I've always had a knack for art but I realised I wanted to make it my career since starting university.

I realised I wanted to work within the games industry from when I first picked up art. I enjoyed drawing very much and video games were a large part of my childhood growth, meeting new people and having joyful experiences I knew that I wanted to pursue a career within this industry. I took a Games Design course at Priestley college and excelled at 3D Modelling and Texturing. Then when going to university for Game Development: Art at Falmouth University I knew that this was my calling.

I think I first realized I wanted to work in creative media in high school, however, I didn't actually follow this dream until I was halfway through college; I dropped all my original courses and pursued a Game Design BTEC specializing in Art. I found my passion for Environment Art and prop work, which led me to Falmouth University completing my Game Art degree. I love to build narrative-filled environment that has history and intrigue, filled with interesting aspects for the player to find!

There is just nothing else like working on project, watching it evolve and enjoying the journey with other talented people. Games have always been a huge part of my life and I think that has always driven me towards developing them as a creative outlet.

I first wanted to work in the creative industry when I was an early teen who was passionate about drawing at school. I found and was drawn in to the idea of becoming a concept artist. As I've grown older I've experienced a lot that's really made me think about how I fit into this industry both logistically and mentally.

Ever since since i was a young lad I've always wanted to see how things work and how they go about being created. When ever i watched a animation on TV (be it 3D or 2D) i was always fascinated in how its all created and would often say "how is it all done?, do they use cool techniques or use awesome software, i wanna know!".

While at College I fell in love with digital art while studying graphic design. I found myself gravitating towards digital game art and after researching University courses I found the Game Development course at Falmouth University to suit me perfectly. Now in my third year I have found my passion for 3D modelling vehicles and environments, working with others in teams. I really believe I have a future as a 3D artist and I can trace my desire back through College to my Art classes in school.

I've been drawing since I was a kid (mostly dragons at that point) and I knew I always wanted to go into art when I was older. I love creating my own character concepts and designs! I'm always working on something whether its fanart, illustration, comics or script ideas!

When I realised it was an option! I was oblivious that my blender hobby could become a professional craft as I was absorbed in a hospitality echo chamber, it wasn't until I found Falmouth University that I could further my skills to a professional level.

Pretty much always been interested in different creative projects, really started to get into the idea of working in the game industry around secondary school. Having a background in programming gave me an entrance into start working on creative products, so I have really just improved from there during my time at University.

I have been motivated to work on art in games since I was around 13. I've always loved working on art physically and digitally. Games have also always been a hobby I have enjoyed, when I realised I could have a career that involved both of these interests I knew I wanted to work in an industry where I would enjoy all aspects of my work.