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since I was little I have a talent for drawing and i like play video games

I'd always like to play video games since I'm a child and have interest in creating worlds and stories. At first, I tried to write, then to draw and play music, to finally discover the world of modeling and entered in a school to study it.

I realized for the very first time that i wanted to work in the industry thanks to the first Ratchet and Clank game this game is one of my favorite game and i was Always passionate with it and it was in 2018 that I had the chance to do a professional retraining and to have hopes to work in the video games industry that fascinate me since Always

I realised that during my 9th grade student I enjoyed to draw and to play video games, so I thought to myself, why not merge what I love ?

I was introduced to video games by my father. I knew I wanted to work in the creative field since college. Photographer, novelist, illustrator, I finally chose 3D to get closer to the industry that has followed me since my childhood.

I've always get attracted by creative media. Since my childhood, I drew a lot of characters from video games and anime content. I love the way that this field of activity is in constant evolution. I like the idea that we can always push and learn to be better. That's why I'm here to post my artistic content !

I was working as Boilermaker when I realised then I was not happy, I always wanted to create things and I love video games so why not do boths ? Now I'm really passionate of my job and I want to create THE project of the lifetime

Since middle school, I knew I wanted to do something art-related. But after a Design and Art baccalaureate, I knew for sure that I needed to do something that really inspired me. Been one to grew with video games, the idea to work in the creative media and entertainment industry came naturaly to me. So here I am, with the chance to learn something that I truly enjoy.

I knew I wanted to work in video games since high school when the famous question landed : What school should I go after high school diploma ? My biggest passion was video games and mystery around their productions. Without money, in 2015, i decided to work at a Fast food known by all and starting by M. 3 years later, I decided to leave my work to go to Game Academy and start a Game Artist Formation.

I've always loved video games, but I convinced myself that if you're not a designer or mathematician genius, it's impossible to work in this sector. I met my teachers during my previous studies (journalism), and they convinced me that any passionate person can succeed! I dared to try these studies, and it was probably the best decision I made in my life!

I first realized i wanted to be in the media and entertainment industry when i was 15.

It was when I discovered the world of video games at the age of 12 that I became passionate about the domaine.

Since I was young I loved to draw and create characters, creatures and stories. I spent most of my childhood and teenage years drawing with the hope to do something art-related in the future. I met someone who showed me a school to learn how to create art for video game. Since I had affinity with drawing and loved video games, I decided that it will be my true way.

Since I know how to draw.

I have always been a creative child but I did not think I could have a career in art because I often heard that work should not be confused with leisure. After high school, I started training in computer science thinking that it would bring me closer to an artistic profession as a motion designer, but that made me realize that I needed to follow my passion and study graphic arts.

Since I was a child I've alvays wanted to be an artist. Then when I started playing videogames, in particular Assassin's Creed, I have wanted to create something similar. At the same way I was playing Spyro and I love it

I started my journey while I was a kid, with Online games. After a while, I realized that ...THAT Amazing! From that moment, I have dreamed to be part of that world.

Hi everyone, I'm Lyuka, a student in Game Art. I realized I wanted to work in this industry about two years ago. I always found the work hidden behind a game or movie fascinating. Now that I'm starting my studies on the art of game making, I really enjoy it and look forward to starting working in a game company.

I'm Eich, Technical Artist in love with problem solving. Focused on pipeline and performance for 3D asset and materials.

I have always been loving video games. In fact, I really like to analyze its graphics and virtual spaces. I particularly love fantasy games that have mysterious elements and interesting characters, in which you can be yourself part of the plot and enjoy every single element that surrounds you. At that moment, is like the game is real: not any random world, but my world. This is why I love to work in the video games industry, to create these universes that I appreciate and love.

When i discovered monster hunter 3 for the first time my life has never been the same ever again

I've always loved art in all ways. After a graduation in Art School, I discovered the world of 3D, and it fulfilled my need to combine technique with creativity. I'm thrilled by the idea of working in a field so stimulating and constantly evolving.

From a young age I have always been interested in creating my own universe and sharing it. Growing up, I found a passion in video games and the experiences they make you live. Today I'm aiming to be a 3D modeler in the entertainment industry, and the road ahead is still long.

Since I was a child I played videogames and loved losing myself in RPG's. When I grew up I thought making one of my passions my job and started studying 3D art. Making environments accurately to the story-telling, nature and points of interest.