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I've always wanted to create video games, they are the reason of my journey.

I have always been interested in the video game industry, but coming from a small city in Brazil, I didn't have many opportunities to explore a career in this field. After coming to Montreal, I started taking classes in Concept Art and decided to give it my all.

I always loved making games. When I was a kid I made paper games for my brother, during high school drew maps and illustrations for DnD sessions, and later at university, I created the educational mobile game as my master thesis. Sci-fi and fantasy genre drives my curiosity.

When I was 5, my family got a personal computer and that changed everything.. I would always be playing with mspaint and flash; drawing and making animation shorts of Pokémon or anime characters. Once in a while, I would create my own original characters and designs. During my early teenage years, I got really into competitive sports. My love for them inspired me to make my own games, specifically multiplayer, so I taught myself programming and have been making games mostly by myself since then.

When I was 18, during my first year of prepa at Bellecour school of art, they talk to me about the job of concept artist and I realised it was my dream job.

I have always been obsessed with painting. But I realized that I want to be a concept artist when I saw first-time inspirable concept arts for the Elder Scrolls online.

After studying medicine, I took a time to pursue a career in Art, during this period I learned about all the process behind creating stunning designs in the entertainment industry and decided to put all my effort into learning it.

When I was young I got really into God of War 2 and realized how awesome it was that professionals make all of these game assets. I decided that one day I wanted to become part of that industry and have been working towards that goal ever since.

Since I was little, I have always been amazed by the different worlds created in video games, books and movies. When I was 14, I discovered that creating amazing characters and environments can actually be a job. Since then, I knew that I wanted to specialize in 2D and 3D to make myself a place in the video game industry.

In 2013 I knew I wanted to work as a Concept Artist, I didn't know how and where to start cause in Portugal there isn't a lot of opportunities but I finally realized what it was

When I first started playing Rainbow Six Vegas, I knew from then I wanted to work in the entertainment industry. After playing Mass Effect 2 and 3 I bought the artbook and saw what the concept art looked like and at that moment I realized my calling in concept art.

In 2015, after playing Uncharted 3, I learned that there's a career called concept art.

It must have been when I was like 8 or 9, I was playing a PSP game, called Crash Mind over Mutants, and in the game you could unlock concept art, and I loved looking at it. I think that was the first time that my passion for this industry was sparked. After that, I only continued to develop this passion.

When I was 14 years old :D, I gave up on the first try though. It was harder than playing video games. I only started focusing properly at 15 - 16.

When I was about 19-18 years old, I realized my notebook had more drawings than notes.

Games and film are probably the best media for entertainment humans have invented - but they don't have to stop at that. They can move people, inspire them, and allow them to see the world through another's eyes. With our ever-improving technology and capacity for interactive fiction, we have more tools to tell meaningful stories than ever.

Ever since I was a child I was swept away into the fictional worlds of Lord of the Rings, Star Wars etc, and began drawing at a very early age. I drew fantastical knights and wizards, dragons for years and then in high school I somehow heard about the concept art industry and I've never considered anything else. To be a part of projects that can inspire wonder and amazement in people is why I want to be here.

Its my hobby annd carrer

I was an avid fan of Nintendo and Ghibli movies my whole life, so when I found out in high school that there was a job involved in the making of these projects, I knew I wanted to be a part of it!

I first realized I wanted to work in creative industries at a very early age. I was the kid who always drew in his school notebook. I used to be inspired by the media I consumed and always tried to draw myself into those worlds or create a world of my own.