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From an early age I spent a large amount of my time watching our home collection of Pixar and Disney films, but it wasn't until got my hands on 3D software and began experimenting with it that I really realized that this was really something that I wanted to pursue in life.

I've wanted to be apart of the creative industry since I was a child. Although I started off in college for criminology, I was still creating art all throughout until I eventually switched programs and got my Fine Arts Certificate, and after that earned my 2D Animation and Digital Art Diploma.

I first thought about working in the creative industries all the way back in elementary school, where I started drawing my own comics and showing them to my friends. At that point, I thought doing something like this for a living was perfect for me: I got to use my artistic abilities to express my interests to a wider audience, and I could leave my own mark on the world by providing entertainment (and possibly inspiration for other artists as well)!

I first realized that I wanted to work in creative industries at the end of high school, I was very unsure of what I wanted to dedicate my time to so I decide to take a bunch of creative classes. One of these classes was an intro animation class that made me realize that I could be a creative even though I didn't have any prior experience, that was when I decide to dedicate myself to improve my artistic skills.

I always loved art, but I never seriously considered it as a career path until high school. I was inspired, and decided to learn how to become an animator, so I could create things that myself and others could enjoy. I took a year-long course, and worked to learn the principals of animation, and how to use programs like Harmony and Photoshop, and was extremely proud of how much I was able to improve my skills.

I first realized that I wanted to work in the creative industry ever since I was a little kid. During any spare moment of the day I got you would always find me doodling away in my sketchbooks. Even presently to this day I may be watching tv during my down time in the evenings but what will you also find me doing you may ask? Drawing on my iPad of course!

by the end of high school

Ever since I got my first box of crayons, I’ve loved drawing and making comics on any scrap of paper I could find! Growing up, films like Pixar’s Cars and Dreamworks’ How to Train Your Dragon really sparked my imagination! When I discovered I could learn animation at home with Blender as a teen, the new storytelling possibilities excited me. Currently, I really enjoy creature animation and adding tiny details that bring characters to life.

Toward the start of highschool is when I began to take art very seriously and started to create two webcomics that I am still presently working on today. Once I discovered the magic of animation, it was at that point I knew I wanted to pursue this as my career. By the time grade 12 rolled around there was a career fair advertising for CAT in Kelowna. Having lived in Saskatchewan my whole life, this was a huge change, but worth it all the while!! All I am missing is an animation job!!

During Highschool I started getting more involved in the arts with stuff like graphic design and digital 2D Animations, and that passion just continued to grow even after graduating

I've been fascinated and inspired by digital art since I was a kid.

My entire life has been full of art. I drew my first drawing when I was 3 years old and ever since I have been creating art. I have done commissions and personal work alike, learning all along the way.

I've been working as an Costume Designer with my wife the last 8 years and have run a small business doing cosplay commissions. So art has been a big part of my life. Music and sound has been on and off through out the years, but I really jumped in 3 years ago making tunes and beginning to dive into audio for gaming.

I first realized I wanted to work in the industry when I played my first MMORPG game, World of Warcraft. Playing this game made me want to be part of a team that creates amazing games where people get lost in another world.