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Search Filters: Animationsinstitut of Filmakademie, Baden-Württemberg
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After school, I started studying Game Engineering in Kempten but quickly switched to Animation & Game in Darmstadt after one year to go more into the digital art direction. During my Bachelors there, I dipped my toes into the VFX Industry while interning at TRIXTER VFX. After graduating, I am doing my diploma at Filmakademie Ludwigsburg to further expand my skillset into the animation & VFX direction.

I have always enjoyed playing video games but never thought of making a career out of it as I just enjoyed them as a consumer. However, I started learning to make simple vfx in After Effects. But when I found I could create them in real-time in a game engine and see the player interact with what I have created, that was it for me. So I decided to embark on a multi-year journey of working with shaders and particle systems in order to becoming a professional real-time vfx artist.

In high school, I took different media and design courses, but the course about filmmaking was the one; I was interested in the most. The first film I wanted to know how it was made was the Stop-Motion film "Corpse Bride" — followed by VFX films like "Avatar" and "The Hobbit". A course at my university taught me about stylized Character Animation, and I fell in love with characters and performances.

With my family I went to the movies and saw "finding nemo".

When I saw Finding Nemo as a kid, my interested and excitement for cinema had its first spark. It took me several years, until I was 14 years old, to realise that I want to work in film as a profession. Through my education I found my way to Animation & Visual Effects.

At the age of 12 I got in contact with 3DsMax and started to play around with it on my own. I was fascinated by the idea that I could build anything I wanted in the computer. Back then I thought I was goingt to be an architect. But with the time I was more and more fascinated with Animation, storytelling and computergenerated images. After college I started to study information technology but quickly switched to study Animation at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg.

Ever since I saw Ghibli movies in my childhood, I wanted to work in film. I wanted to bring the feeling and motivation that these films gave me to others with my own projects and create fantastic worlds and characters. After studying "Economics and Business Administration", I started into the film industry as an production intern. 2019 I applied for "Producing" at Filmakademie and since 2021 I am studying "Animation / Effects Producing" at Animationsinstitut.

I realised it right in shool. Not film or animation directly, but I wanted to find something where i can combine my love for balleydance and drawing. Animation is the perfekt world to unfold exactly that.

Since I was little I realized being creative isn't something I liked, it is something I need to do to express myself. As I was little I was sketching, painting, creating comics and stories and didn't stop since!

I was always passionate about art since I was very little. I think I picked up a pen before I started to talk.

From age 14 I knew I wanted drawing to become my full time career. Only later on, at the age of 17 my focus shifted more from illustration and fine art to the entertainment arts like character design, 2D Animation and Storyboarding. Directing my film „blemished“ made me realize how much I burn for developing stories and directing teams. There's nothing that can compare to seeing an artistic vision come to life with the combined efforts of so many people. Ultimately that's what I would like to do

I always liked animated movies but this topic seemed very complicated to me and I had no clue how you could get into the industry. After graduating from high school it took me a while to find out what I really want to do but when I started studying digital media design I came across 3D and animation for the first time and had a lot of fun with it. Mostly self-taught I didn't feel ready to join the industry, so I applied at Filmakademie to study animation there.

From a very young age. Wanting to become a musician changed to becoming an actor and finally a writer and producer.

I am a curious person - that’s what drove me as a teen from photography into creating films and especially documentaries. And that’s the reason why I got obsessed with the possibilities that XR content, interactive media and games have. To create honest curiousness for important themes. Themes which might be hard to understand or dull with other media - but which can be brought in an entertaining way to everyone by using the chances that XR and interactive media gives us.

I've always been doodling, drawing or playing games but when I saw How To Train Your Dragon for the first time, I knew I wanted to learn how to create those magical worlds. I took a detour leaning graphic design but when I was working for event agencies doing archvis I rediscovered the magic of light and computer graphics and decided to try and follow my dream of Animation again.

Hi, my name is Lilli and I recently graduated from Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, Germany. I studied character animation in the project based studies and along the way I also found my love for creature animation.

As a kid I played a lot with Legos and always wanted them to be able to move on their own. As I wasn't able to add tiny motors to my figures, I learned the next best thing: stop motion animation. From that point on I never considered doing anything else with my life than creating stories and experiences. Over time I then finally found my core passion within game-development.

While adding a lot of muzzle flashes to a movie made with friends on the computer of my dad and spending all night finnishing it.

After making my first steps in the media bubble as a music and tv journalist I quickly learned that I love working on quality content much more then in a newsroom. Luckily, all my learnings from this time could easily applied on the day to day production tasks in VFX and Animation Projects. So far I didn't regret this decision a single day.