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Due to the abundance of straight lines and limited scope for creativity, I grew weary of studying architecture, prompting me to switch to digital sculpting, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

In 8th grade I knew I wanted to pursue arts as a career, at the start of my Bachelors in Business Administration I learned about CG Arts, Around when I was looking for my first job I got into character and creature arts.

All of my life I have wanted to work in creative industries.

5 years ago I started to work on learning new programs but I 've always wanted to be a part of the industry

Ever since i was 12 i always wanted to make a game of my own, so i have decided to take on 3D modeling: after that everything spiraled from that simple decision. Now i am 26 and i have made 3D Art my career.

I've always liked to draw for fun, but I had no idea that I truly loved it until a friend introduced me to 3d / Z Brush. I just felt so much more comfortable in 3d than in 2d. I need to become more adept in 2d, but 3d is my true passion. -- I also am very interested in things like Particle / volumetric effects - as I love these in games and movies, I just have not explored them as much yet.

When I was at college learning graphic design

I’ve always wanted to work in the creative industry but circumstances and bad advice didn’t allow me make the journey, I only recently got the time and confidence to take the plunge and fully commit to a career change to something I’ve always loved.

I’d been working as a 2D graphic designer for the better part of 15 years and recently started learning 3D and feel like I found my calling. In June of 2020 I bought zbrush and started my journey. I saved up some money and decided to put my career on hold to devote my time to learning this craft. I’m now in full “get good” mode taking various online workshops.