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Growing up, I was heavily involved in the Destination Imagination (DI) after-school program. DI allowed me to combine my love of technology and my, unknown, love for the arts and collaboration. I went to college as a cybersecurity major but felt creatively unsatisfied. I changed my major to game design, and eventually again to game sound design. Sound design once again allows me to use technology to creatively and collaboratively bring a world to life, just like I once did in DI.

As a young child, I was surrounded by art, and found solace in my sketchbook and notebook pages- it seemed more than natural to step into a creative field as an adult. But traditional art didn't quite line up for me; I loved it as a hobby, but something about the vast possibilities and complexities of a computer drew me in. At some point in senior year of high school, I connected two very important dots; my enjoyment in getting lost in a video game, and my love of art. Then, it clicked!

Being involved in the creative industry is something I've always known I wanted to do. I was scribbling with crayons the moment I could hold them, and I never stopped (though I did eventually move on to colored pencils and digital art).

When I got bored during classes and started drawing. Then realized I'd much rather make something with meaning than be an accountant or something.

When I was learning about the different career paths I could take in High School, I was touring schools. I saw all the amazing student projects and decided I wanted to be the name on these projects. Even more so when I delved into the professional's work!

I first discovered I wanted to work in the industry when I realized that I could utilize my art talents as a career. When I found out that there were careers in games, film, etc., I knew that I had to hop on that as soon as possible. So I decided to go to Champlain College, one of the best schools for that very thing; I continue to improve every day.

For my entire life I have appreciated creating immersive worlds, either through wooden train tracks as a toddler or drawings of science-fiction dogfights. After watching my brother play the Half-Life games, and exploring the early halo games myself, I began creating artwork that reflected those art styles.

I knew I was interested in creative media in high school, but my experiences at Champlain College allowed me to hone in on 3D environment art as my focus.

I've been creating art digitally since 8th grade, and my interest in pursuing it as a career has only furthered with each year. I began small, developing my soft skills, until furthering my experience in online communities. It wasn't until my high school years that I realized digital art was something I could do professionally- and my mind was blown. Looking at behind the scenes footage of shows, movies, and games captivated my interest, and left me with a deep desire to work in this industry.

Back in high school there was a very basic 3D modeling class. All we really did was combine objects in cinema 4D, but I had fun with it and enjoyed it. I wanted to keep going with something similar so when it came time for college I decided to look into that. The first or second animation assignment of my second year at school something just clicked and I knew I wanted to pursue animation.

I've wanted to do this stuff since I was a kid. I've been drawing for almost 30 years.

I've grown up around computers, and I've always been curious about making art and music with them. I started making digital music, and branched out to all sorts of fields in game development.

I grew up playing video games and after dipping my toes into Game Art, I knew I had to take the plunge and throw myself headfirst into it.

For as long as I can remember, games have been a part of my life. I know firsthand the influence a game's experience can have on someone, and I got into game design in hopes of inspiring others in the same way I was inspired.

Art was always something that I dabbled in, and throughout all my years of school I always stayed passionate about it. When it came time to apply for college, I knew I had to go into an artistic field. Game Art was the perfect mix of art and technology for me and it just felt right.

In early high school, I first started seriously playing games, mostly competitive FPS games. Then, I saw a few documentaries about the making of games, as well as the general history of the industry, and was entirely enthralled. At that point I knew I wanted to do something in the game industry specifically.

Since I was young I've always been a fan of video games, and I also really like to learn about the technical side of things, so I chose to pursue an education relating to programming for games.

When I was really young I was exposed to video games. They way things moved on their own and worked together fascinated me. I went to many different worlds by playing video games and thoroughly enjoyed every second of it. I knew I wanted to be part of that creation process since then.

On February 20th, 2015, I found myself getting frustrated with how few video games were able to evoke deep emotional reactions from me. I realized that the only way I could change this is if I became a game designer myself.

I have always been a passionate artists yet didn't feel I fit in with the classic art scene. People would tell me to stop drawing dragons and demons and start drawing still lives. When I learned that people out there made a living as video game artists it changed my world and made me realize I really can do what I love as a job.

Since I was young, I loved the creative design work behind movies and games. I loved the concept art from my favorite games in Game Informer monthly magazines, so I figured I could apply my passion for art and games together and pursue the role as a Game Artist.

I first learned my love of video game development when I attended a technical school in my junior year of high school. We had a short game development lesson in which I created my first game and ever since then I've been in love.

I went through some tough times in my last few years of high school and I wasn't able to fully participate in sports. During this time I turned more and more to video games to fill the competitive, social, and entertainment void left by traditional sports. This change in habits steered me into college at Champlain for game production, where I filled out my understanding of the entertainment industry and got practical practice making what we all consume on a daily basis.