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I just enjoy creating. As vague as it sounds, it's something I've always done. I rarely play video games or watch television as I see that as wasted time. I'd rather put my own vision into a game or film than watch someone else's vision. This goes back to childhood when my siblings were playing with toys or games I was just drawing and animating stick figures. Regardless of what direction my career takes me in I don't ever see my self straying too far away from visual story telling.

When I was studied mass communication major in my undergraduate journey, I had a chance to participate an internship in a famous studio. During the internship, that was the first time that I saw how a 3D animator do their works. In my thoughts, 3D is more amazing than just film videos. Due to the general videos are limited by time an space, but 3D....? no ! Basically there's no any limitation, only if have enough creativity. So, that's my first realise it.

Growing up reading comics I discovered a huge passion for arts, storytelling, and mythology. I love creating superhero stories that are eye-catching on the outside, yet reflect values of perseverance, self-sacrifice, and working hard for the greater good.

Ever since I was young I have loved creating things, from stories to board games to video games. Recently I have been delving into 3D modeling and 2D pixel animation. Check out my Artstation here! Or see my website here!

When I was in middle. I saw some amazing animation and think it's so cool!!

I was first 14 when I discovered Cinema 4D and After Effects in a youtube tutorial on how to make "Intros" for youtube channels. I have no idea why, but it sparked a small fire within me that just wanted me to play around with the software as much as I could. I would make 1 "Intro" per day, all for fun and for the sake of getting better at something through practice and endeavor. Little did I know this "hobby" could turn into a career.

In high school, I was always passionate about psychology but didn't know which field I wanted to go into. Upon encouragement from my dad, he introduced me to user experience design. By doing more research into UX, I felt like it was the perfect mix of all my interests as I wanted to use my interest in psychology and human behavior to create meaningful change through design. From that point on, I immersed myself in the world of UX and creating UX-based solutions to real-world problems.

I have always felt that art is one of the best forms of expression. Since I was a child, I have used art as my form of communication. Now I want to create art for others to be inspired and connected with themselves and with others.

In a life full of empathy, architecture gave me the opportunity to expand my knowledge in a special way. Expressing art and sensations through lines and hatches has been a dream becoming true. Architecture awakened new senses in my ability to reason, with culture, language and art as the main factors for communication.

I started drawing just fun little doodles since third grade, and started getting more into it and developing my own style in fifth grade. That was when I decided I wanted to get into the animation field, even though it was more concept art and character designs I was more interested in working on.

It was at the movies and I saw these incredible creations that really moved me and I knew right then and there I wanted to do visual effects so I went home and started learning right away. Before school I taught myself as much software as I could and then when I got to school I've just been learning more and more everyday.

While I was serving in the Israeli Defense Forces, I had a lot of time to think about what I wanted to pursue in my career and that is when I realized I wanted to study 3D animation.

I always loved animation, but it wasn't until I took my first animation class in undergrad that a spark lit in me, and I realized this is what I want to do!

I was drawn to 3D environment and prop modeling because ever since I was a kid, I always loved making my own world out of shoe boxes and construction paper. My passion lies in creating diverse, unique, and real environments and 3D modeling is the way I love to bring it to life.

I first realized I wanted to work in the industry in my senior year of high school. I was going through a rough time and needed to find something new to do because personal injuries kept me from doing sports. I tried a Photoshop class and fell in love with digital art. I also loved video games my entire life and finally wanted to take a stab at it.

I'm a Puerto Rican hard surface 3D artist and recent SCAD graduate with a strong passion for gaming and the virtual world. Making projects with the Unreal engine for years has allowed me to explore other sides of game development as well such as visual scripting, material functions, and level editing.

Hi! I’m a Concept Artist and SCAD graduate. I love concepting in both 2D and 3D, and I have a special interest in world building for science fiction and fantasy!

As a child, I turned to art to make my imagination come to life. As I create and explore, I begin to develop stories for my works. The game industry is a field where imaginative stories meet reality through offering engrossing and unique experiences to its players. Thus, I found myself drawn to video games since a young age. As a 3D and environmental artist, I strive to heighten a game's narrative by creating immersive spaces for players to explore and interact, giving a sense of purpose.

I've always had a passion for creative work, and though it has taken me a long time to land on exactly what I want that work to be, I finally decided to get into digital media and game design when I came to see a group of friends who were all working on a game together and knew I had to be a part of that atmosphere as much as I possibly could.

When I was 12 I rented a game from Blockbuster called Sly Cooper 2 Band of Thieves. I remember going home and playing it till 2 in the morning. At the time my bedtime was 10:30, so I was shocked to find out when my aunt came in and told me that it was 2 am. That's the moment I knew I wanted to be a game designer. If a game could immerse me that much to make me lose track of time and get lost in a world that doesn't exists, that was something I wanted to be a part of.

I first got inspired to study visual effects through a Youtube video "Portal trick shots" from Corridor Digital. Seeing the camera physically go through a portal was beyond mind-blowing. As a film student at the time, I knew I had to unlock this massive storytelling tool called vfx. As I slowly watch and try to understand tutorials and breakdowns, it became apparent that this is what I want to do: To visually tell stories without compromising .

I have always loved traditional art since I was a kid, and I knew I wanted to pursue it as my career. Video games have also been one of my strongest passions all of my life, so I thought: why not combine the two? I began attending the Savannah College of Art and Design back in 2017, and there I have learned everything I know about game art, and I couldn't be loving it more.

I used to watch the animation movies, and I want to make some animation movie that I can deliver to a child's mind. As a 3d artist, my art projects that can deliver a warm mood to people.

My love for gaming came to me when I was younger living in New York City. I had a Sega Genesis as my first console and my first game was Sonic the Hedgehog. From there, my love for gaming grew and I wanted to get into not only the gaming industry but to be a creative to make new and fun games.