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I didn't realize it was even a possibility until my senior year of high school when I made a quick 180 and started going to RIT for 3D Digital Design. I started to watch video game playthroughs more frequently and realized how cool and amazing the graphics were becoming, specifically the game Until Dawn is the first I remember realizing this is something I was interested in. I realized pretty quickly that 3D was the perfect mix of technical and artistic that I was looking for.

The first day I played little big planet, a series that I am fond of to this day, That was when I realized I wanted to do SOMETHING in the creative industry. Having the ability to create, and travel to Infinite worlds as a kid with an "overactive" imagination was the perfect storm. I had a chance to create for the sake of creation an opportunity not many are afforded especially at my young age /demographic... and create I did, relentlessly. Even if most of them were bad, I constantly improved.

After realizing the emotional connection you can get from watching films and shows or playing video games, I decided I wanted to help create those. I want to be able to create media that people can emotionally connect to and enjoy.

I’ve always known I wanted to be an artist- it just felt so natural to me, like there was no question in my mind that’s where I was headed. It was just a matter of what kind of artist I wanted to be. And honestly that’s still something I’m figuring out.

I realised I wanted to be part of something where I can learn, and develop as an artist, as well as helping othef achieve a goal as a team.

I've always enjoyed video games growing up, so when I started learning about programming and high school and realized that game development is a viable career path I decided to go to school for game design/development.

I realized I first wanted to work in creative media, specifically 3D media and animation in high school, when my art teacher recommended a course at a nearby community college. I learned some basic 3DS Max, and I've been in love with the medium ever since.

I had always wanted to work on the animated films I dedicated my childhood to, but my senior year of high school I wondered, do I follow my dreams, or get a "real job?" I went back and forth, scared to make a decision. However, when I sat in the theater, the day Moana came out, balling my eyes out to "How far I'll Go," I instantly knew I had to be a part of the beauty I was watching on screen.

high school I went to a vocational school and learned my first 3d skills

As a kid I always liked art as a whole. But I only recently realized that I could actually make it into a career. As a result, I consider myself a late bloomer, but am more than happy to try making up for it through my actions.

It wasn't until near the end of my bachelor's degree, when I had a couple of classes with an awesome animation professor. It was then I decided to pursue the field further.

Since I was very little.

I didn't know this at first then but it is definitely when I saw my first 3D animated movie in a theater, Ice Age. The sounds and the visuals astounded me and when I was in highschool, I learned that I could take classes in 3D modelling. It just felt like it was the one true thing I would love to do and no other field of work would cut it.

Watching the behind-the-scenes of movies we had on DVD as a kid, I realized that there are people and jobs that make animated films possible. I always considered my art a hobby growing up, and I was only really exposed to very traditional physical forms of media. Once I got my hands on a 3D software package in High School, I fell in love with the potential and decided to pursue 3D art and animation.

I have been drawing ever since I could remember. Growing up, in my spare time and on every school assignment I would make illustrations and comics whenever I got the chance. It had always been just a hobby for years. I only realized that this was the path I wanted to take for my career towards the end of high school while I was looking into higher education. I couldn't picture myself doing anything other than a creative field. The rest was history.

I first realized that I wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment industry in high school. I've always loved games, and how they have the ability to bring people together with creative experiences. I've always wanted to recreate an experience like that. I started taking computer science courses and learning 3D design on my own. Since then I have always been interested in learning new technologies to create innovative experiences.

I don't actually remember exactly how it happened; I told my parents since I was a little kid that I wanted to 'make video games'. What I realized later on is that games but also the entertainment field in general had made me feel understood and made me experience amazing things. I want to be able to make someone feel the way I felt when I was a kid and played a game that resonated with me.

I started animating in 2D as a kid inspired by game cinematics, particularly those of Warcraft III. I made the jump to 3D in high school and have been self-teaching ever since, learning as much as possible while also acquiring a bachelor's degree in 3D Digital Design.

I always loved drawing and creating. Did some Google deep diving in middle school and found out about careers in animation. Watched an inspiring TedTalk in 10th grade delivered by a lighting artist at Pixar that made me realize that is what I wanted to do with my life. Pursue moments like the one that artist experienced, where she finally got the aesthetic right for a scene from Finding Nemo and the entire room gave her a round of applause.

I realized by accident when I attended a game design camp and played with 3D software for the first time. So I changed from wanting to focus on computer science/game design, to 3D design as a whole.

I've always wanted to be a story teller. Since I was little I've wanted to be involved in the creative industry in some form or another. I started out wanting to be an actress, then a novelist, then a director, and ended up - somehow - at game design. I love this form of storytelling because it allows me to involve the viewer entirely, becoming a part of the story is one of the most effective ways to emotionally involve someone, in my opinion.

When I realized what an affect video games made on me growing up and that I wanted to be able to do the same for others.