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When I was 17 I looked for what I wanted to do. I discovered the 3D business. After following tutorials on Zbrush I decided to go to a special effects school. Where I could discover a lot of jobs and software, so I specialized in modeling and then I specialized in FX. The work-study program allowed me to gain experience at school and in companies for 5 years.

It all started when i saw the trailer of Final Fantasy versus XIII back in 2008.

When I was a young girl, I asked my parents "What work can I do to draw everyday and everytime ?". I think that I knew I wanted to work in the creative media since that question. Since then, I searched for the perfect job. I asked myself a lot, and when I was thirteen, I knew that I wanted to become a Game Artist. I loved video games and creating things, so I think it was natural to me.

When I discovered that there were special effects schools in France . It was an awakening.

I think it was during high school, at that time i really want to create cool designs and i thought engineering was the way to go until i realized that was not something i liked and so i took a 180°-turn and here i am, willing to learn new things in a field i love.

I always dreamed to be part of this big and fascinating industry however it was in MANAA that I found out about IsartDigital and the formation of Game Artist.

Since I was little, I've always loved to draw and play video games, so Game Art was the perfect match for my two favorite things! I got influenced and inspired by Hayao Miyazaki's movies and video games like Life is Strange. They had a major impact on my life!

Having always had a creative spirit since my childhood, I often wanted to create for pleasure in order to develop my imagination and my creative impulses. Over the years I have rarely found any interest in anything other than creation, producing something personally and fine-tuning it until I reach a quality product has always been the best experience for me. Thus, at the end of my studies (high school), I decided that my future would be in a creative and/or entertaining profession.

I knew I wanted to work in the industry since I was 6. graduated from Isart Digital in 2020 open for opportunities. Currently looking for a position as surfacing Artist.

I knew I wanted to work in the industry when I saw Star Wars, the special effects blew me away and I wanted to make a career out of it.

In primary school : I wanted to tell stories and needed to have visual support for the characters and environment, but couldn't find something that fit, so I started making my own. Then I realised people actually live off their work and started digging into jobs around animation, animated movies and TV shows.

Ca m'est venu la première fois que j'ai vu le film Avatar. Ce film était tellement magnifique par ces décors, ces concepts, ces personnages, son histoire... Que j'avais l'impression d'être dans le film. C'est a ce moment là que j'ai voulu crée des choses pour que les gens sorte de leur routine et s'évade de leur quotidien.

My artistic journey started when I was 10, watching cartoons and anime on TV. Animation sparked my interest and motivated me to learn how to draw, first as a hobby, then as a growing passion which brought me into the multimedia and entertainment industry. After studying for 5 years as a multimedia designer in Switzerland, I finally found my way in Montreal as a 3D environment and level artist for video games.

Since my childhood, I have been passionate about cinema and image creation. I first took the path to realization then I became interested in special fx and developed a passion for it. I'm now looking forward to being part of teams and contributing to the success of their projects and works.

Along the way of one of the game I played. Be it the amazing interior Level Design of a Bioshock or the mesmerizing maze of a Super Metroid or Hollow Knight. As soon as I understood that Video Game are meant to convey feelings and experiences more than pure "play time", I knew I wanted to do precisely that!

I wanted to work in the video game industry when, at home, only my brother had the right to play instead of me (because it's a Game BOY so obviously...). I want to participate in creating a more inclusive workplace, in my own way.

I realized that I wanted to do this job when I saw that I could bring a universe, a story or a character to life !

When I was young, I was fascinated by the 3d animations of the characters that can be found in video games and movies. I always loved to draw and more particularly clay sculpt. It is just a short time ago that I started to be interested by the job in the 3d industry, I had no idea in what I was venturing into and the work that was required for it ! Today, I am very happy for choosing this path.

Since I was a kid I always wanted to be an artist and to work in the entertainment industry. I was artistically influenced by all the comic strips I read and all the video games I played and wanted to make some myself!