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Experiential Motion

Experiential Motion

Zac Bazzoli
by zacbazzoli on 1 Jun 2020 for Rookie Awards 2020

Here is a collection of my work created the past year with a focus in Motion Design and Experiential Design

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Round of applause for our sponsors

Experiential Motion

Here is a quick look into the works I've created as I venture on my journey to become an experiential motion designer.

Reel 2020

The purpose of a showcase reel is to promote oneself using montage, so for my reel, I featured the variety of motion and experiential work I designed throughout my college career. The target audience for my reel are those within the motion design industry's niche segment of sports graphics, so I approached the work in the standard style of that segment. The most challenging aspect of creating my reel was deciding which works would be considered notable by the wider, target audience.


Euphoria: Television Branding Package

Design & Animation by: Zac Bazzoli and Yuqun “Coco” Huang

In our motion Branding class, we created a title sequence, and television branding package, for the HBO teen drama Euphoria. The objective was to create a cohesive show open and deliver main titles for HBO’s Euphoria while paying tribute to the Avant Guard Movement of the 1960s. Loopable moments were at the core of this piece; these allowed for modular deliverables for social platforms, which were able to break through the clutter and reach the wider target audience age range of 16-24. Combining analog techniques such as scanography, laser cutting, and light manipulating with digital media, we introduced a melancholy feeling through the use of psychedelic visuals. By incorporating the challenging visual vernacular of the show with the pastiche of the Avant Guard movement, this title sequence showcases the themes found within Euphoria.


Ready Player One: Main-on-End Title Redesign


Designed, Animated, Edited and Produced by: Zac Bazzoli

Additional Help to ASCII Art: Jack Steadson, Diana Rex, and Susie Scheer

This is a personal project that I created to redesign the main-on-end title sequence for Warner Bros. and Amblin Entertainment Film, "Ready Player One." The original sequence played out as a simple white on black with no visual elements. In order to create a sequence that paralleled the visuals in the film, I decided to incorporate iconography that played off of the symbols of 1980s nostalgia that were spread throughout the film, such as King Kong, the DeLorean, and the Iron Giant.


Vimeo Brand ID


Designed and Animated by: Zac Bazzoli and Yuqun “Coco” Huang

Composed by: Josh Willey

The objective was to create a brand identity that showcased the various types of content found on Vimeo. Multi-Platform design was a primary focus, so we created a piece that could be easily reformatted for a vertical, square, and horizontal aspect ratio. The biggest challenge to overcome through the two-week turnaround was promoting Vimeo as a brand, rather than a streaming platform. By utilizing a collage aesthetic, we depicted our favorite video player as lively and diverse.


Logo Reveal Collective

Animated by: Zac Bazzoli

Sound by: Matt Jamoom

Animating logo reveals is something that every Motion Designer has to do at one point of time in the creative industry. Below I have included several logo reveals that I created in the Fall of 2019, including Chase Bank, SeatGeek, and the Portland Trailblazers.



Quarantine Thoughts: A 5-Part Projection Series

Created By: Zac Bazzoli

In early 2020, the world was put on pause due to the spread of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. During this period of extended isolation, we began to see the world in a different perspective. These are a few of these so-called “Quarantine Thoughts.”


Projection Breakdown:

Part 1: Closed for Business: April 28 - May 22, 2020

This analog glitch piece looks at the beginning of the COVID-19 shutdown, focusing on businesses targeting the tourism market and showcasing their response to the crisis. The goal of the part was to abstract the eerie feeling of emptiness.

Part 2: Loading...: May 14 - May 22, 2020

During this time of self-isolation, we began to shift our focus to a digital social environment. Many began to experience one of the most substantial hurdles of the modern world, the lack of universal internet access. The constant loss of the internet became a significant problem for me, especially with the growing reliance as quarantine continued.

Part 3: News Cycle: May 14 - May 22, 2020

There are a lot of uncertain in the world, especially when there is a global crisis. Information and misinformation get spread around and become twisted until factual data becomes lost in translation. This scanography piece hopes to show the change of narrative as it becomes apart that we lose sight of what knowledge supposedly gained.

Part 4: Unbalanced Diet: May 23, 2020 - Present

As the days turn into weeks and weeks turn into months, the desire for self-care begins to dwindle, and the convenience of an unhealthy diet becomes attractive to some. The goal was to showcase bight neon signage and their pull towards this growing lack of self-care with a balanced diet.

Part 5: Together LLC: May 23,2020 - Present

Emphasis on commercial media began to grow as a direct response to the global crisis. We began to stream content from a plethora of platforms, but a trend in the advertising on said platforms emerged. From multi-billion dollar companies that were in no danger of shutting their doors, the words “together” we had seen in hundreds of advertisements over the beginning months of the pandemic. This piece is inspired, but the indirect associating with profiting off COVID-19, having the bottom line be financial compensation.

Fridge Tetris

Created by: Zac Bazzoli

Projected: Jan 23, 2020

Fridge Tetris is an interactive installation piece I did in my kitchen for fun over a few days. The game is the 1989 classic Nintendo Entertainment System version of the Tetris, just remapped to this new aspect ratio. Why Tetris on a fridge? Why not?



Light Pollution

Created By: Zac Bazzoli

By using 3D elements and satellite imagery, I created an infographic for the issue of light pollution for the International Dark-Sky Association.

NBA Finals TV Promo

Designed by: Zac Bazzoli and Lirio Ramirez

Using the analog technique of liquid motion, and the use of compositing, these frames for an NBA finals television advertisement show the contrast of the matchup.


Please check out my website to see my full portfolio!

Thank you!

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