Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!


Oscar Bagalini
by oscarbagalini on 31 May 2020 for Rookie Awards 2020

This project was created as part of a charadesign course with Lucile Meunier. The goal was to reclaim an existing fictional universe by creating a series of 5 characters. Blxcksad is therefore a reinterpretation of the famous comic book Blacksad, created by Diaz Canales and Guarnido.

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The hero.

The friend of the hero.

The bad guy.

The henchwoman.

The policeman.

My first sketches were really bad. I didn't think enough about big-medium-small, cutting my characters into thirds and the fact that they had to work together. We also had to feel more their personality.

After having resolved the major design problems I redid a clean line and added occlusions. Then I just added the local colors, created a shadow layer in product mode on top of it and painted over.

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