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Nicolette Battad
by nicolettebattad on 30 May 2020 for Rookie Awards 2020

Hello Everyone! My name is Nicolette and I'm an Automotive Engineer and 3D student from Detroit. I'm so excited to share my Foundations Final at Think Tank Training Center. This was a one month journey bringing Denis Zilber's vibrant concept to life. Thanks for checking my work out!

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I chose this beautiful concept to bring to life since it's a mirror of what I was like as a kid - a young engineer, tinkerer, and artist. I never played sports or had the urge to participate, but I was always happy to draw my friends playing... especially during the crisp and crunchy Fall season!

This is my first full scene that's been carried through the entire workflow - from modeling in Maya, sculpting in Mudbox, painting in Mari, rendering with V-Ray, and comp in Photoshop. 

Here is my process from blockout to comp.

One of the more difficult parts of this project was tackling the hair. While I initially planned to use XGen, I just didn't have enough time allocated to learn a new tool. I decided to stick to my guns and existing skills; and with enough persistence and layering, I was able to create the hair with polys (shown above).

The creation of this piece was an astoundingly rewarding process! Especially only after 4 months of accelerated learning, starting from little 3D experience. I learned the value of realistically delegating time for each task to create a schedule (that also included much needed breaks!) and how when faced with moments of frustration, it's more productive to redirect your focus on a different task as a little refresh button.

A special thanks to my course supervisor, Darrell Abney, and all my classmates for the support.

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